The Upgrade Vault – All Upgrades Showcased

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The Upgrade Vault is a key part of early progression in Idleon, giving out some of the biggest boosts to damage and accuracy when you’re first starting out in World 1.

There are also tons of bonuses for later worlds and generally useful upgrades that you will be buying out for the rest of the game, and even some upgrades that are so expensive that they’re currently impossible to max out.

The best part about the Vault is that everything can be bought with coins, so no Gems needed, and all the upgrades are shared by your entire account so don’t need to buy the same upgrades multiple times.

Coin Content Separator

Upgrade Vault Priorities

Before diving into the detailed upgrade descriptions, we should cover the most asked question about the Upgrade Vault, which is what you should upgrade first and how to prioritize your upgrades properly.

Thankfully, the answer is that you simply must upgrade everything evenly, as it’s the only way to unlock new upgrades as soon as possible.

Since the costs usually scale up fast, it is not viable to max out every upgrade in order.

However, there is one small exception which is a good idea to put more coins into as soon as possible, which is Major Discount that reduces the price of all other upgrades.

UpgradeDescriptionLevelsTotal Cost
(rounded up)
Major Discount Icon
Major Discount
All Vault Upgrades are cheaperLevel 1:
-1% Upgrade Cost
Level 80:
-80% Upgrade Cost
Void Coin (Value 6) 33

This upgrade will make every other upgrade multiple times cheaper, so you will end up saving tons of coins in the long run, but again don’t try to max this out instantly as you will gain progress faster by spreading out your upgrades early on.

Coin Content Separator

All Upgrade Vault Upgrades Explained

The levels showcase the amount of bonuses you get from a single level as well as the max level of the upgrade, but it does not take into account the Vault Mastery upgrades, so the max bonuses will get even higher after you upgrade those!

The Total Cost in the table below is shown with the assumption that you have maxed out the Major Discount upgrade!

UpgradeDescriptionLevelsTotal Cost
(rounded up)
Bigger Damage Icon
Bigger Damage
More DamageLevel 1:
+1 Damage
Level 500:
+500 Damage
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 9
Natural Talent Icon
Natural Talent
More Talent Points to the first talent tabLevel 1:
+1 Talent Point
Level 200:
+200 Talent Points
Starfire Coin (Value 8) 4
Monster Tax Icon
Monster Tax
More coins dropped from mobsLevel 1:
+2% Coins
Level 500:
+1,000% Coins
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 77
Wicked Smart Icon
Wicked Smart
More Class Experience gainLevel 1:
+2% Class EXP
Level 500:
+1,000% Class EXP
Too expensive to max out currently
Bullseye Icon
Higher AccuracyLevel 1:
+1 Accuracy
Level 200:
+200 Accuracy
Starfire Coin (Value 8) 4
Steel Guard Icon
Steel Guard
Higher DefenseLevel 1:
+1 Defense
Level 100:
+100 Defense
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 22
Evolving Talent Icon
Evolving Talent
More Talent Points to the second talent tabLevel 1:
+1 Talent Point
Level 200:
+200 Talent Points
Dreadlo Coin (Value 9) 7
Massive Whirl Icon
Massive Whirl
The Warrior Whirl talent is twice as big and can hit 2 more monsters
Secondary attack skill (Warrior Talent)
Level 1:
Unlocks the mentioned bonus
Silver Coin (Value 2) 2
Rapid Arrows Icon
Rapid Arrows
The Archer Piercing Arrow talent shoots an extra arrow
Piercing Arrow Archer Talent
Level 1:
Unlocks the mentioned bonus
Silver Coin (Value 2) 2
Dual Fireballs Icon
Dual Fireballs
The Mage Mini Fireball talent shoots an extra fireball in the opposite direction
Mage Mini Fireball Talent Icon
Level 1:
Unlocks the mentioned bonus
Silver Coin (Value 2) 2
Weapon Craft Icon
Weapon Craft
All crafted weapons do more DamageLevel 1:
+10% Damage
Level 5:
+50% Damage
Gold Coin (Value 3) 12
Mining Payday Icon
Mining Payday
More Coins per Power of 10 ores minedLevel 1:
+2% Coins
Level 40:
+80% Coins
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 4
Baby on Board Icon
Baby on Board
More Class Experience gain on your lowest level characterLevel 1:
+2% Class EXP
Level 50:
+100% Class EXP
Gold Coin (Value 3) 4
Major Discount Icon
Major Discount
All Vault Upgrades are cheaperLevel 1:
-1% Upgrade Cost
Level 80:
-80% Upgrade Cost
Void Coin (Value 6) 33
Bored to Death Icon
Bored to Death
More coins dropped from mobs per Power of 10 Bored Bean killsLevel 1:
+5% Coins
Level 10:
+50% Coins
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 61
Knockout! Icon
More Total Damage per unique monster Knockout.
(You get a knockout by killing a monster in a single hit without having a weapon equipped)
Level 1:
+1% Total Damage
Level 5:
+5% Total Damage
Gold Coin (Value 3) 32
Stamp Bonanza Icon
Stamp Bonanza
Higher bonuses from the Sword, Heart, Target, and Shield stampsLevel 1:
+1.02x Bonuses
Level 100:
+3.00x Bonuses
Void Coin (Value 6) 5
Carry Capacity Icon
Carry Capacity
Higher Carry Capacity
(based on base capacity, so won’t be a huge boost)
Level 1:
+1.05x Capacity
Level 100:
+6.00x Capacity
Starfire Coin (Value 8) 47
Drops for Days Icon
Drops for Days
Higher Drop RateLevel 1:
+1% Drop Rate
Level 50:
+50% Drop Rate
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 3
Happy Doggy Icon
Happy Doggy
This does nothing, but helps you get more Vault levels to unlock new upgradesLevel 1:
Level 100:
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 4
Slice N Dice Icon
Slice N Dice
More Base Damage per Power of 10 Carrot killsLevel 1:
+2 Base Damage
Level 100:
+200 Base Damage
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 28
Go Go Secret Owl Icon
Go Go Secret Owl
More Feathers per second from Orion the Horned OwlLevel 1:
+5% Feathers
Level 100:
+500% Feathers
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 14
Boss Decimation Icon
Boss Decimation
More Boss DamageLevel 1:
+1% Boss Damage
Level 25:
+25% Boss Damage
Gold Coin (Value 3) 4
Sleepy Time Icon
Sleepy Time
More AFK gains from Fighting and SkillingLevel 1:
+1% AFK Gains
Level 20:
+20% AFK Gains
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 3
Production Revolution Icon
Production Revolution
Faster Anvil Production rateLevel 1:
+5% Anvil Rate
Level 100:
+500% Anvil Rate
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 22
Statue Bonanza Icon
Statue Bonanza
Higher bonuses from Power, Speed, Mining and Lumberbob StatuesLevel 1:
+1.02x Bonuses
Level 50:
+2.00x Bonuses
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 3
Beeg Forge Icon
Beeg Forge
Higher Forge CapacityLevel 1:
+5% Forge Capacity
Level 100:
+500% Forge Capacity
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 27
Stick Snapping Icon
Stick Snapping
More Total Damage per Power of 10 Walking Stick killsLevel 1:
+1% Total Damage
Level 50:
+50% Total Damage
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 2
Liquid Knowledge Icon
Liquid Knowledge
More Alchemy Experience gainLevel 1:
+1% Alchemy EXP
Level 100:
+100% Alchemy EXP
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 3
Bug Knowledge Icon
Bug Knowledge
More Catching Experience gainLevel 1:
+1% Catching EXP
Level 100:
+100% Catching EXP
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 3
Fish Knowledge Icon
Fish Knowledge
More Fishing Experience gainLevel 1:
+1% Fishing EXP
Level 100:
+100% Fishing EXP
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 3
Dirty Money Icon
Dirty Money
More coins dropped from mobs per Power of 10 Poop killsLevel 1:
+2% Coins
Level 25:
+50% Coins
Gold Coin (Value 3) 6
Vault Mastery Icon
Vault Mastery
Higher bonuses from all Vault Upgrades that have Blue Highlight in the top left cornerLevel 1:
+1.01x Bonuses
Level 50:
+1.50x Bonuses
Starfire Coin (Value 8) 3
Storage Slots Icon
Storage Slots
More Storage Chest slotsLevel 1:
+1 Storage Slot
Level 24:
+24 Storage Slot
Dreadlo Coin (Value 9) 48
Recipe for Profit Icon
Recipe for Profit
More coins dropped from mobs for every Anvil Recipe unlocked from the TaskmasterLevel 1:
+1% Coins
Level 50:
+50% Coins
Void Coin (Value 6) 8
Schoolin' the Fish Icon
Schoolin’ the Fish
More Class Experience per Power of 10 fish caughtLevel 1:
+1% Class EXP
Level 20:
+20% Class EXP
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 1
Straight to Storage Icon
Straight to Storage
Ability to deposit resources from AFK Fighting gains straight to StorageLevel 1:
Unlocks the mentioned bonus
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 3
Bubble Money Icon
Bubble Money
More coins dropped from mobs for every Alchemy Bubble level (only counts up to 100 levels per bubble)Level 1:
+1% Coins
Level 10:
+10% Coins
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 11
Drip Drip Drip Icon
Drip Drip Drip
Faster liquid generation in AlchemyLevel 1:
+5% Liquid Speed
Level 20:
+100% Liquid Speed
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 64
Active Learning Icon
Active Learning
More Class Experience while Active FightingLevel 1:
+1.01x Class EXP
Level 100:
+2.00x Class EXP
Void Coin (Value 6) 2
Stunning Talent Icon
Stunning Talent
More Talent Points to the third talent tabLevel 1:
+1 Talent Point
Level 100:
+100 Talent Points
Void Coin (Value 6) 43
Bug Power En Masse Icon
Bug Power En Masse
More Total Damage per Power of 10 bugs caughtLevel 1:
+1% Total Damage
Level 20:
+20% Total Damage
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 12
Vial Overtune Icon
Vial Overtune
All Vials give higher bonusesLevel 1:
+1.10x Bonuses
Level 3:
+1.30x Bonuses
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 2
Active Murdering Icon
Active Murdering
Killing monsters open portals faster while Active FightingLevel 1:
+1.01x more kills
Level 100:
+2.00x more kills
Godshard Coin (Value 10) 13
Card Retirement Icon
Card Retirement
Cards that give more Drop Rate become Passive
(no need to equip)
Level 1:
Unlocks the mentioned bonus
Platinum Coin (Value 4) 50
Go Go Secret Kangaroo Mouse Icon
Go Go Secret Kangaroo Mouse
More Bluefish from Poppy the Kangaroo MouseLevel 1:
+10% Bluefish
Level 250:
+2,500 Bluefish
Dreadlo Coin (Value 9) 13
All Armoured Up Icon
All Armoured Up
All Equipment gives more DefenseLevel 1:
+1.01x DEF
Level 100:
+2.00x DEF
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 6
Daily Mailbox Icon
Daily Mailbox
Get +1 Post Office Box per day
(same as when you complete a contract)
Level 1:
+1 Box
Level 10:
+ 10 Boxes
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 70
Buildie Sheepie Icon
Buildie Sheepie
More Construction Speed per Power of 10 Sheepie killsLevel 1:
+2% Construction Speed
Level 20:
+40% Construction Speed
Void Coin (Value 6) 6
Quest KAPOW! Icon
Quest KAPOW!
Higher max level of the Quest KAPOW! Star Talent
(You unlock the talent after the first upgrade)
Level 1:
+1 Max Level
Level 200:
+200 Max Level
Starfire Coin (Value 8) 1
Critters n Souls Icon
Critters ‘n Souls
More Critters and Souls from all sourcesLevel 1:
+1% More
Level 300:
+300% More
Starfire Coin (Value 8) 23
Slight Do-Over Icon
Slight Do-Over
Hold mouse down on a single Talent to reset it X times per dayLevel 1:
1 per day
Level 20:
20 per day
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 14
Duplicate Entries Icon
Duplicate Entries
Receive double Colosseum ticketsLevel 1:
Unlocks the mentioned bonus
Dementia Coin (Value 5) 1
Special Talent Icon
Special Talent
More Star Talent pointsLevel 1:
+1 Talent Point
Level 150:
+150 Talent Point
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 20
Kitchen Dream-mare Icon
Kitchen Dream-mare
Faster Meal Cooking speedLevel 1:
+1.06x Cooking Speed
Level 500:
+30.00x Cooking Speed
Too expensive to max out currently
Lab Knowledge Icon
Lab Knowledge
More Lab Experience gainLevel 1:
+1% Lab EXP
Level 100:
+100% Lab EXP
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 6
Foraging Forever Icon
Foraging Forever
More Foraging Speed for all petsLevel 1:
+1% Foraging Speed
Level 250:
+250% Foraging Speed
Tydal Coin (Value 12) 70
Teh TOM Icon
More Tome Score in World 4Level 1:
+2 Points
Level 500:
+1,000 Points
Too expensive to max out currently
Pet Punchies Icon
Pet Punchies
More Pet Damage for all petsLevel 1:
+2% Pet Damage
Level 250:
+500% Pet Damage
Tydal Coin (Value 12) 3
Breeding Knowledge Icon
Breeding Knowledge
More Breeding Experience gainLevel 1:
+2% Breeding EXP
Level 100:
+200% Breeding EXP
Lustre Coin (Value 7) 42
Cooking Knowledge Icon
Cooking Knowledge
More Cooking Experience gainLevel 1:
Level 500:
A huge amount (more than 1,000%)
Too expensive to max out currently

Vault Mastery II
Higher bonuses from all Vault Upgrades that have Green Highlight in the top left cornerLevel 1:
+1.01x Bonuses
Level 50:
+1.50x Bonuses
Marbiglass Coin (Value 13) 2

If more upgrades are added to the Upgrade Vault, we will make sure to update the tale. If you see any missing information or wrong data, let us know on our About -page.