All World 4 Quests (Walkthrough & Rewards)

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The fourth world in Idleon, Hyperion Nebula, is one of the more interesting worlds bringing Cooking and Lab into the mix, which are some of the biggest sources of bonuses in the entire game.

You also get access to Breeding and The Rift, which both bring nice additional mechanics and bonuses to all aspects of the game.

Quest-wise the biggest difference maker is that there are no more Tokens to be grinded from NPC’s, but instead they give more useful rewards and relatively easier quests, which is a very welcome addition after the first 3 worlds.

Check out our other quest guides for all the other worlds to find out what rewards you should be looking out for, as well as the reason why you should complete as many unique quests as possible explained in the Blunder Hills article.

We will not show class experience or coin rewards in the tables, as they’re not really relevant since quests are not a significant way to gain money or experience (and they would needlessly clutter the tables).

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World 4 NPC Location Map
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Gobo World 4 NPC

Map: Outer World Town (World 4 Town)

Gobo is the introduction to Hyperion Nebula and shows you the basics of Breeding, Cooking and Lab. You only need to complete these few introductory quests with a single character.

Show All 5 Quests
1. Breeding in Outer SpaceBreed a Green Mushroom at the Breeding NestPet Egg Icon6x Pet Egg
2. Intense Pet FightingWin a Pet Battle at the Breeding NestPet Egg Icon6x Pet Egg
3. Squirrel TacticsBreed a Squirrel and Claim Spices oncePet Egg Icon3x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon11x Cooking Ladle
4. Spicy CookingFinish a Cooking Recipe and AFK in the cooking area for 15 minutes

(use the Cooking Ladles you received from the previous quest to speed this up)
Pet Egg Icon4x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon5x Cooking Ladle
5. Lab Experimentation, Ft. YouPlace a character into the Lab and activate a Bonus nodePet Egg Icon5x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon6x Cooking Ladle
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Nebula Neddy

Nebula Neddy World 4 NPC

Map: Outer World Town (World 4 Town)

The World 4 Taskmaster has a single quest which requires you to kill a bunch of mobs for resources, but it shouldn’t be much trouble if you’re geared up.

As a bonus you get some Cooking Ladles and Eggs to give an early boost to your meals and breeding.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Task Requirement Affirmative (#1)Unlocks World 4 Tasks
Show 1 Quest
1. Task Requirement AffirmativePurple Mush Cap (Monster drop)200x Purple Mush Cap
TV Remote Icon400x TV Remote
Half Eaten Donut (Monster drop)750x Half Eaten Donut
Pet Egg Icon12x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon48x Cooking Ladle
Dense Water Icon15x Dense Water

Unlocks World 4 Tasks
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Oinkin World 4 NPC

Map: Donut Drive-In

Oinkin is here to deliver some amazing stamps to boost your Cooking speeds, which are crucial especially early on.

The breeding upgrades in his second quest can take quite a while, but you can get a lot of extra Eggs from the other quests in World 4.

Show 3 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Filling the Menu (#1)Cooked Meal Stamp Icon Cooked Meal Stamp
(+% Meal Cooking Speed)
Diner Deliverer (#2)Nest Eggs Stamp Icon Nest Eggs Stamp
(+% Breeding Experience Gain)
Recipe for Fattening Pastry (#3)Ladle Stamp Icon Ladle Stamp
(More Cooking Efficiency)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Filling the MenuUpgrade three meals to Level 2Pet Egg Icon4x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon4x Cooking Ladle
Cooked Meal Stamp Icon Cooked Meal Stamp
(+% Meal Cooking Speed)
2. Diner DelivererLevel up the following Breeding upgrades:
Genetic Splicing Upgrade IconGenetic Splicing (to level 3)
Egg Capacity Upgrade IconEgg Capacity (to level 2)
Breedability Pulse Upgrade IconBreedability Pulse (to level 1)

(you get Gray DNA for these upgrades by trashing pets)
Pet Egg Icon4x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon5x Cooking Ladle
Nest Eggs Stamp Icon Nest Eggs Stamp
(+% Breeding Experience Gain)
3. Recipe for Fattening PastryUnlock the Croissant recipe in cooking

Check out our Cooking guide for help
Pet Egg Icon4x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon6x Cooking Ladle
Ladle Stamp Icon Ladle Stamp
(More Cooking Efficiency)
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Eliteus World 4 NPC

Map: Outskirts of Fallstar Isle

Eliteus is your door to the next class advancement, unlocking various classes like the Blood Berserker who can boost your Cooking progress immensely, or the Beast Master that will speed up your Breeding.

Check out our subclass guide for tips on which classes to choose first.

Show All 2 Quests
1. The Greenie Gucci GangDefeat the 10 Genies that spawn on the map
2. Elite Class for the Elites in ClassSelect an Elite class
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Royal Worm

Royal Worm World 4 NPC

Map: Wurm Highway

Royal Worm is definitely the hardest NPC to finish up out of all first 4 Worlds with some complicated and demanding quests. Especially his 8th quest which requires you to complete all other World 4 quests.

His quests themselves are pretty fun (except the first one is tedious) and the rewards are not terrible, especially the last quest which gives out a very cool Nebula Royal trophy which boosts Skilling Experience by 50%.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Let the Tails Hit the Floor (#1)Studious Quester Star Talent Studious Quester Star Talent
(Each completed quest gives +% Skill Efficiency)
Royal Bidding (#9)Nebula Royal Trophy IconNebula Royal Trophy
(+10 STR/AGI/WIS/LUK, +50% Skill Exp)
Show All 9 Quests
1. Let the Tails Hit the FloorFill all platforms with worm tails.

These need to drop from the monsters so you can’t cheese this by dropping them yourself. Dropped coins obviously don’t count.

The best way to get most of the spaces filled is by auto-attacking for a while, then turn it off and manually kill worms when they get close to an empty area.

The mobs tend to drop their loot towards the direction they’re moving, so you can use this to your advantage to reach corners of platforms.
Studious Quester Star Talent Studious Quester Star Talent
(Each completed quest gives +% Skill Efficiency)

Kachow Statue Icon100x Kachow Statue

Holy Pearl Icon2x Holy Pearl
2. Bothering MutantsSpawn and kill 5 Mutated Mush mini-bosses.

To spawn them, drop a Toxic Sludge on the top platform of the Spaceway Raceway map.
Toxic Sludge Icon
(Toxic Sludge is dropped by Purp Mushrooms while actively fighting them. They also drop from normal Slimes in World 1, even while AFK fighting)

The amount of small mushrooms on that platform shows how many bosses you can spawn. If there are none, you have to wait a few days for them to re-grow.
Coldseeker Bullet Icon5,000x Coldseeker Bullet
(+9 Weapon Power, 5% chance to be consumed on every kill)

Holy Pearl Icon4x Holy Pearl
3. Royal ScoreGet a score of 48.5M in a ColosseumCooking Ladle Icon40x Cooking Ladle
Holy Pearl Icon2x Holy Pearl
4. Downfall of the Hammer ThingsDefeat all Stilted Seekers before they respawn with the Big Brain Time prayer equipped.

(This is the first prayer you unlock and it increases monster HP)
Dementia Net IconDementia Net
Black Pearl Item4x Black Pearl
5. Kickin’ the CanReach Wave 55 in the Clash of Cans Tower Defense and deal 5,000 damage with your own attacks.

This Worship Totem is located on the Mountainous Deugh map.

If you’re struggling, you can upgrade the Cannoli Meal in cooking for more points, the Wizard Maximizer in the Atom Collider for more damage and tower levels, the Slow Roast Wiz upgrade in Equinox for huge damage boost, and Skill Mastery in the Rift to get all Tower Defense cards as passives.

Keep auto-attack on at all times to reach the 5,000 damage requirement.
Twosoul Statue Icon2,500x Twosoul Statue
Soulble Gum Food Icon5,000 Soulble Gum
(Increases Soul Gain by 25% and has 125% chance to be consumed every time you Worship)
6. A Royal GiftWurm Tail Monster Drop10,000,000x Wurm Tail

Make sure to craft higher Material Pouches and unlock more inventory slots to carry enough.
Fat Albert IconFat Albert
Pearler Shell (Monster drop)30x Pearler Shell
7. Bossin’ the BossDefeat the World 4 Boss on Nightmare difficulty 100 times5 to 500 Hour Time Candy1x Cosmic Time Candy (5 – 500 Hours)
Divinity Pearl Item5x Divinity Pearl
8. Normie BiddingComplete all other World 4 quests72 hours of AFK Gains1x 72 Hour Time Candy
Holy Pearl Icon6x Holy Pearl
9. Royal BiddingDefeat 25,000 Crystal CustardsGold Food Coupon Icon 5,000x Gold Food Coupon
Divinity Pearl Item7x Divinity Pearl
Nebula Royal Trophy IconNebula Royal Trophy
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Capital P

Capital P World 4 NPC

Map: Jelly Cube Bridge

Capital P is here to bring you more stamps, this time to boost Lab experience and DNA splicing, which you need to upgrade Breeding pets.

The quests are quite easy once you understand how they work, but the second one can be annoying if you have a very high mob respawn rate already.

Show 3 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Right side wrong side! (#1)Lab Tube Stamp Icon Lab Tube Stamp
(+% Lab Experience Gain)
No room on the Dance Floor! (#2)DNA Stamp Icon DNA Stamp
(+% more DNA from Splicing)
Everybody move it move it! (#3)Diamond Axe Stamp Icon Diamond Axe Stamp
(+% Total Damage)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Right side wrong side!Kill monsters only on the right side of the map until you reach 200 points. You get points based on how many monsters are alive on the left side of the map.

(Capital P stands at the middle of the map, so only kill monsters to his right)
Lab Tube Stamp Icon Lab Tube Stamp
(+% Lab Experience Gain)

Cooking Ladle Icon1x Cooking Ladle
2. No room on the Dance Floor!Keep the map empty of monsters as much as possible until you reach 1,400 points.

(Remove any talents or equipment that increase mob respawn rate)
DNA Stamp Icon DNA Stamp
(+% more DNA from Splicing)

Cooking Ladle Icon1x Cooking Ladle
3. Everybody move it move it!Kill monsters that are moving, until you get 10,000 points. You lose points if they’re not moving.

This might be best done without auto-attack so you can try to target more potentially moving mobs. Either way this quest will require some luck.
Diamond Axe Stamp Icon Diamond Axe Stamp
(+% Total Damage)

Cooking Ladle Icon1x Cooking Ladle
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Blobbo World 4 NPC

Map: Cocoa Tunnel

Blobbo is a Trapping NPC as completing both of his quests will unlock Blobfish for Trapping. Other than that, he will also reward you with tons of eggs and cooking ladles.

Check out our Trapping Guide for more tips!

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Glitter Critter (#2)Unlocks Blobfish for Trapping
Show All 2 Quests
1. A Honker Took mah Baby!Honker (Trapping)10,000x Honker
(World 3 – Wam Wonderland)
Pet Egg Icon10x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon48x Cooking Ladle
2. Glitter Critter#3 Shiny Critter200x Crescent Scorpie
(World 2 – The Ring)

#8 Shiny Critter30x Jade Scarab
(World 2 – Bottom left of the Boss map)

#6 Shiny Critter60x Eternal Lord of The Undying Ember
(World 3 – The Stache Split)
Pet Egg Icon15x Pet Egg
Cooking Ladle Icon48x Cooking Ladle

Unlocks Blobfish for Trapping
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Rift Ripper

Rift Ripper World 4 NPC

Map: The Untraveled Octopath

Rift Ripper unlocks the ability to enter The Rift, which provides insane bonuses to all aspects of the game through various Rift Challenges.

Check out our complete Rift guide for more information!

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Entering The Rift… (#1)Unlocks The Rift

(The other rewards are good too, if you get lucky with them)
Show 1 Quest
1. Entering The Rift…Purple Mush Cap (Monster drop)878x Purple Mush Cap
(Drops from Purp Mushrooms)

Lost Batteries Icon5x Lost Batteries
(1 in 50K chance to drop from TV’s)

Wurm Tail Monster Drop592x Wurm Tail
(Drops from Flying Worms)
Phone Box Icon 50x Phone Box
(Can drop one of the following:
– Gem
– Gem Envelope
– 1, 2 or 4 Hour Time Candy
– Black or Holy Pearl
– Summer Weapon, Tool, or Armor Upgrade Stone)

Gem Envelope Icon 10x Gem Envelope
(Drops 2 – 10,000 Gems)

5 to 500 Hour Time Candy3x Cosmic Time Candy (5 – 500 Hours)

Unlocks The Rift
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Monolith World 4 NPC

Map: Flamboyant Bayou

Monolith will unlock the ability to upgrade your statues to their Onyx counterparts by dropping a stack of 20,000 on the Statue Man in World 1.

Onyx Statues double that statues bonus and give +10% more statues for ALL STATUES dropped in. This stacks the more Onyxes you have!

Also remember to Enhance all your statue-types from the Statue Mans middle tab, so they’re shared across all characters.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Onyx Statue Crafting (#2)Onyx Tools Icon Onyx Tools
(Drop this on the Statue Man in World 1 to unlock Onyx Statues!)
A Lack of Modesty (#3)Monolithialism Star Talent Monolithialism Star Talent
(+% Multikill per unique Onyx Statue you own)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Surface Level JealousyGet a total statue level to 250 and bring him 17 different statues in your inventory.

(If you fill up your inventory with unique statues after starting the quest, talk to him again to make him check your inventory)
24 hours of AFK Gains1x 24 Hour Time Candy
Holy Pearl Icon2x Holy Pearl
2. Onyx Statue CraftingPower Statue Icon20,000x Power Statue
(Drops mainly from Slimes, Baby Boas, Carrotmans and Amarok)
Holy Pearl Icon4x Holy Pearl
Divinity Pearl Item2x Divinity Pearl
Onyx Tools Icon Onyx Tools
(Drop this on the Statue Man in World 1 to unlock Onyx Statues!)
3. A Lack of ModestyLoot 100,000 statues. This can be done with Time Candy as long as you pick up the statues from the ground.

A fast way to do this is by using Time Candy while mining ores like the Godshard ore at World 1 – Motherlode Pit, which will drop tons of Lumberbob Statues.
Monolithialism Star Talent Monolithialism Star Talent
(+% Multikill per unique Onyx Statue you own)

EhExPee Statue Icon10,000x EhExPee Statue

Kachow Statue Icon10,000x Kachow Statue
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While World 4 has only a few NPC’s, they have some difficult quests scattered in their midst, but the rewards are definitely worthwhile.

Make sure to start working on World 5 before you try to finish up every single quest on this list, as you will want to be grinding out the new mechanics for a long time to come.

If any quests here are unclear, make sure to let us know through the simple form on our About-tab and we will make sure to improve the guide!