All World 5 Quests (Walkthrough & Rewards)

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The fifth world in Idleon, Smolderin’ Plateau, has only 6 different NPC’s with quests so you can focus more on the new mechanics that come with Gaming, Sailing and Divinity.

Sailing especially will take ages to finish up as you need to find Artifacts and can level them all the way up to their Sovereign status, which quadruples their bonuses. We made a complete Sailing guide to help you navigate through the optimal strategies.

The quest rewards for World 5 are fairly boring, as they’re mostly here to speed up your Gaming and Sailing progress. However, you will be needing those boosts as progress will be very slow when just starting out.

Make sure to check out all our other complete quest guides for the other worlds to see what you’re missing out on as well as why you should be finishing up as many unique quests as possible from our Blunder Hills guide.

We will not show class experience or coin rewards in the tables, as they’re not really relevant since quests are not a significant way to gain money or experience (and they would needlessly clutter the tables).

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World 5 NPC Locations
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Muhmuguh World 5 NPC

Map: Magma Rivertown (World 5 Town)

Muhmuguh teaches you the basics of all the new World 5 mechanics and rewards you with a generous amount of usables to boost those mechanics. You only need to complete these on a single character and they will count for everyone.

Show All 3 Quests
1. Wave after wave slowly SailingIn Sailing, place a captain in in a boat and drag the boat to the Safari Island.Sailing Time Bottle 4x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours3x Gaming Fertilizer
2. Rising up and Growing as a GamerBuy 3 Gaming upgradesSailing Time Bottle 4x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours4x Gaming Fertilizer
3. Learn the Language of the UniversePlace your character at the Divinity altarSailing Time Bottle 5x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours4x Gaming Fertilizer
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Lava Larry

Lava Larry World 5 NPC

Map: Magma Rivertown (World 5 Town)

Another classic taskmaster, with a single simple loot gathering quest that will unlock the Smolderin’ Plateau tasks and Achievements.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
W5 Task Req Check (#1)Unlocks World 5 Tasks
Show 1 Quest
1. W5 Task Req CheckSuggma Ashes (Monster Drop) 2,500x Suggma Ashes
(Drops from Suggmas)
Plated Crumbs Icon 1,000x Plated Crumbs
(Drops from Maccies)
Sundried Glass Icon 500x Sundried Glass
(Drops from Mister Brightsides)
Sailing Time Bottle 4x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours3x Gaming Fertilizer

Unlocks World 5 Tasks
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Slargon World 5 NPC

Map: Naut Sake Perimeter

Slargon has 3 simple killing quests that give very uninspiring rewards. At least you will be able to give a slight jumpstart your Gaming and Sailing with these rewards.

Show All 4 Quests
1. Shut up the Namecallers!Suggma Monster Animation
Kill 30,000 Suggmas
Sailing Time Bottle 1x Bottled Wind
2. Smack the meanies!Maccie World 5 Monster
Kill 250,000 Maccies
Boost gaming hours1x Gaming Fertilizer
3. Mess with the Misters!Mister Brightside Monster Animation
Kill 1,000,000 Mister Brightsides
Boost gaming hours2x Gaming Fertilizer
Divinity Pearl Item3x Divinity Pearl
4. Assert Dominance over the Meek!Cheese Nub World 5 Monster
Kill 10,000,000 Cheese Nubs
Sailing Time Bottle 3x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours3x Gaming Fertilizer
Divinity Pearl Item5x Divinity Pearl
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Pirate Porkchop

Pirate Porkchop World 5 NPC

Map: Cracker Jack Lake

Finally another piggy, which means more Stamps! The Sailboat Stamp is one of the most important stamps when it comes to improving your Sailing, but the other 3 stamps are nothing special. Always nice to pad up the ol’ stamp collection though.

Check out our Sailing guide on drop tables to find the required treasure locations easily!

Show 4 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Bring me the Booty (#1)Increase Sailing Speed Sailboat Stamp
(+% Sailing Speed)
Sailing for some Sparks (#2)Divine Stamp Icon Divine Stamp
(+% Divinity Experience Gain)
Seeking Treasure Shrooms (#3)Sashe Sidestamp Icon Sashe Sidestamp
(More AGI)
Ye finest treasure at once! (#4)Conjocharmo Stamp Icon Conjocharmo Stamp
(More LUK)
Show All 4 Quests
1. Bring me the BootyGold Bar Treasure4,000x Sailing Gold Bars
(These drop from every Sailing Islands reward chests)
Increase Sailing Speed Sailboat Stamp
(+% Sailing Speed)
2. Sailing for some SparksIsland 5 Normal Loot20,000x Lightning Treasure
(These drop from the 5th Island, Stormy North)
Divine Stamp Icon Divine Stamp
(+% Divinity Experience Gain)
3. Seeking Treasure ShroomsIsland 9 Rare Loot250,000x Multishroom Treasure
(These drop from the 9th Island, Fungi Meadows)
Sashe Sidestamp Icon Sashe Sidestamp
(More AGI)
4. Ye finest treasure at once!Island 15 Rare Loot 1,000,001x Rarest Treasure
(These drop from the 15th Island, The Edge)
Conjocharmo Stamp Icon Conjocharmo Stamp
(More LUK)
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Poigu World 5 NPC

Map: Lampar Lake

Poigu seems like a direct descendant of the other piglets, as he also gives us some stamps for our collection.

Thankfully his quests are super simple, just level up your Divinity. However, the level requirements are high, so it will take ages for you to reach all his rewards.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Think twice speak once (#1)Gamejoy Stamp Icon Gamejoy Stamp
(+% Gaming Experience Gain)
Speak from the heart not the mind (#2)Increases all skills efficiency Multitool Stamp
(Increases All Skill Efficiencies)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Think twice speak onceReach Divinity level 25Gamejoy Stamp Icon Gamejoy Stamp
(+% Gaming Experience Gain)
Sailing Time Bottle 3x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours2x Gaming Fertilizer
2. Speak from the heart not the mind
Reach Divinity level 50
Increases all skills efficiency Multitool Stamp
(Increases All Skill Efficiencies)
Sailing Time Bottle 4x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours3x Gaming Fertilizer
3. Learn the Language of the Universe
Reach Divinity level 80
Sailing Time Bottle 6x Bottled Wind
Boost gaming hours5x Gaming Fertilizer
Divinity Pearl Item3x Divinity Pearl
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Tired Mole

Tired Mole World 5 NPC

Map: Miner Mole Outskirts

Tired Mole gives you some initial keys for the World 5 Boss when you do his first two quests, but his third quest is one of the toughest quests in the game due to the rarity of the items required.

However, that last quest also drops one of the best Trophies in the game with a crazy boost to Drop Chance and Damage in comparison to other free Trophies in the game.

Show 1 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Divine Endeavor (#3)One of the Divine TrophyOne of the Divine Trophy
(+10 Weapon Power,
+42% Drop Chance,
+35% Total Damage)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Establishing Order among MolekindBiggole Mole Monster
Kill 6,000,000 Biggole Moles
World 5 Boss Key10x Kruk’s Volcano Key
Divinity Pearl Item2x Divinity Pearl
2. Like taking Keys from a CrawlerCrawler Monster Animation
Kill 10,000,000 Crawlers
World 5 Boss Key25x Kruk’s Volcano Key
Holy Pearl Icon5x Holy Pearl
3. Divine EndeavorReceive the Eternal Flames of The Divine cape as drop the World 5 boss.
Eternal Flames of The Divine Cape Icon
(It only drops on Nightmare difficulty and has a 1 in 3,330 chance to drop. This quest must be active when it drops or it won’t count)

After that you must equip the Divine Scarf.
(The recipe can be obtained from the World 5 Merit Shop, it’s the last purchase of the Recipe Unlock upgrade)
The Divine Scarf Pendant

Crafting requirements:
Chizoars Caustic Scarf Pendant1x Chizoars Caustic Scarf
(Recipe is obtained from the W3 Merit Shop and materials to craft this drop from W3 Boss, Chizoar)

Strung Tooth of the Divine Pendant1x Strung Tooth of the Divine
(Rare drop from Kattlekruk, 1 in 100K on Normal difficulty, 1 in 2.5K on Nightmare difficulty)

Kruk Cavity Tooth Icon10x Kruk Cavity Tooth
(Common drop from Kattlekruk, drops only on Chaotic and Nightmare difficulties)

Lucky Lad Icon2x Lucky Lad
(Super rare drop from nearly any mob in any world)

Note: You must get the cape as a separate drop on each character when completing this quest on other characters, but you can use the same Divine Scarf on every character, so no need to craft multiple (other than the fact that it’s one of the best Pendants in the game).

If the Divine Scarf requirement doesn’t activate when you equip it, just leave the map and come back!
One of the Divine TrophyOne of the Divine Trophy
(+10 Weapon Power,
+42% Drop Chance,
+35% Total Damage)
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Smolderin’ Plateau is definitely the easiest World quest-wise but sadly the rewards are on par with the difficulty.

But maybe it’s for the best, so you can focus on pushing to World 6 as fast as possible to start the grind on Farming and Sneaking, which will take even more time to finish up than the World 5 skills.

If you see anything missing from this guide, let us know through the simple form on our About-page and make sure to check out the other quest guides from the banners in the beginning of this page.