The Rift & Rewards Explained

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The Rift is an area in World 4 which consists of various waves and after you defeat a certain amount of them, you receive a game changing bonus or boost, all of which are very powerful.

The Rifts difficulty scales fast and you are not supposed to be able to defeat it while still in World 4, but once you get stronger and obtain Sailing bonuses from World 5, you will be able to reach more Rift bonuses.

This guide will go over how to unlock the rift in the first place, how many waves there are and how to complete them, as well as what kind of rewards you will receive.

Rift Ripper World 4 NPC

How to Unlock The Rift

In order to reach the rift, you have to finish a simple material collection quest in World 4, after which the Rift will become visible on your map so you can teleport to it directly on any character.

To start the quest, go to The Untraveled Octopath map in World 4 and climb to the top right of the map to find the Rift Ripper quest giver.

The quest requires you to find and turn in the following items, out of which the Lost Batteries will definitely take the longest to find:

Purp Mushroom Monster Animation
Purp Mushroom
Purple Mush Cap (Monster drop)
Purple Mushroom Cap
1 in 6World 4
TV Monster Animation
Lost Batteries Icon
Lost Batteries
1 in 50,000World 4
TV Outpost
Flying Worm Monster
Flying Worm
Wurm Tail Monster Drop
Wurm Tail
1 in 6World 4

Once you get all of the items and turn them in, you will receive great rewards in the form of free gems and Cosmic Time Candies as well as access to The Rift.

Rift Gate Animation

All Rift Rewards Explained

There are currently 7 different rewards that can be unlocked from The Rift, with more coming in later updates.

When you first get in the Rift, you can see a bunch of locks on pedestals on the left, showing which wave you must reach to unlock each bonus.

Rift Bonus 1
Trap Box
Traps will be collected automatically every 24 hours.Beat Rift #5
Rift Bonus 2
Infinite Stars
Transforms Star Signs into passives with no negative effects.
Get more from Shiny Pets. Read our guide here!
Beat Rift #10
Rift Bonus 3
Skill Mastery
Gives bonuses to all skills depending on total skill levels across all characters.Beat Rift #15
Rift Bonus 4
Eclipse Skulls
Adds Eclipse Skulls to Deathnote at 1 Billion kills.
They give +20 points to multikill multiplier and +5% Multiplicative Damage.
Beat Rift #20
Rift Bonus 5
Stamp Mastery
Chance to get 95% discount on a Stamp upgrade every day.
They stack if you don’t use them, so you can use them whenever you want.
Chance increases for every 100 total stamp levels.
Beat Rift #25
Rift Bonus 6
Eldritch Artifact
Ability to get an Eldritch Artifact, if you already have the Ancient version.
They usually triple the artifacts bonus instead of the Ancients double.
Beat Rift #30
Rift Bonus 7
Vial Mastery
Each maxed out Vial (level 13), will boost all other vial bonuses by x1.02.
Read more about Vials…
Beat Rift #35
Rift Bonus 8
Various bonuses depending on your total Construction level between all characters.Beat Rift #40
Rift Bonus 9
Ruby Cards
You can level up cards further from 4 Stars to 5 Stars.
(All your previous cards will count towards this once you unlock it, so you won’t miss out!)
Beat Rift #45
Rift Upgrade 10
Damage multiplier to all characters based on your unique monster kill records in Killroy’s Slaughterhouse.
Also adds 5 new upgrades to buy from Killroy’s Skull Shop.
Beat Rift #50
Rift Upgrade 11
When you reach the top floor in Sneaking (World 6), you can restart from the bottom with a higher difficulty and higher gains.
You also get bonuses depending on how many resets you’ve done.
Rank 1: +30% Drop Rarity
Rank 2: +10% All Stats
Rank 3: +5 to All Talent Levels
Rank 4: 1.10x All Damage Multiplier
Beat Rift #55

All the bonuses are very powerful and also fairly self explanatory so they don’t warrant much further explanation.

The Trap Box upgrade deposits all the critters to your Storage Box as long as you have space and gives the XP from a trap to the character that placed the trap.

As for the Eclipse Skulls, to give context, the normal highest Red Skull which requires 100M kills gives 10 points to the multikill tier, while the new one doubles that, while also giving all you characters more damage.

The Skill Mastery is probably the best upgrade, as it gives a lot of Skill Efficiency to all skills and even turns most Skilling Cards into Passive cards!

Construction Mastery gives great bonuses to unrelated stats, but you can see which ones you can get from the image below.

Construct Mastery
Rift Tear Quest Item

All Rift Challenge Requirements

There are currently 39 Rifts that can be completed, but the last 3 will currently give you no rewards.

The bonuses are unlocked every 5 rifts so once you reach the rift that is seen on the locks, you unlock that bonus instantly.

You can see all the requirements for each Rift in the table below, after which we will explain some tips and tricks on beating them.

RequirementReach this
Rift to unlock:
1Get 500 kills in 5 minutes
2Collect 3 Rift Tears in 1 hour
3Kill all mobs without any respawning on 3 characters
4Get 500 kills in 5 minutes
5Kill Mega Monster on 4 characters
6Get 1,000 SkullsTrap Box Vacuum
7Kill Mega Monster on 4 characters
8Get an Orb Score of 180 with a Divine Knight
9Get a Wormhole Score of 60 with an Elemental Sorcerer
10Get 200K AFK Kills in The Rift
11Get 3 Rift Tears in 1 hourInfinite Stars
12Get 5,000 Skulls
13Get 500 kills in 5 minutes
14Kill all mobs without any respawning on 3 characters
15Get 1M AFK Kills in The Rift
16Get a Pirate Flag Score of 75 on a Siege BreakerSkill Mastery
17Kill a Lava Skull monster on 2 characters
18Get an Orb Score of 180 with a Divine Knight
19Kill Mega Monster on 4 characters
20Get 1M AFK Kills in The Rift
21Kill all mobs without any respawning on 3 charactersEclipse Skulls
22Get a Pirate Flag Score of 75 on a Siege Breaker
23Get 5,000 Skulls
24Get 500 kills in 5 minutes
25Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
26Get 3 Rift Tears in 1 hourStamp Mastery
27Get a Wormhole Score of 60 with an Elemental Sorcerer
28Kill Mega Monster on 4 characters
29Get an Orb Score of 180 with a Divine Knight
30Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
31Kill a Lava Skull monster on 2 charactersEldritch Artifact
32Get 500 kills in 5 minutes
33Get 200K AFK Kills in The Rift
34Kill all mobs without any respawning on 3 characters
35Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
36Get a Pirate Flag Score of 75 on a Siege BreakerVial Mastery
37Get 3 Rift Tears in 1 hour
38Kill Mega Monster on 4 characters
39Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
40Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
41Kill all mobs without any respawning on 3 charactersConstruct Mastery
42Kill a Lava Skull monster on 2 characters
43Get an Orb Score of 180 with a Divine Knight
44Get a Wormhole Score of 60 with an Elemental Sorcerer
45Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
46Get 1M AFK Kills in The RiftRuby Cards
47Kill Mega Monster on 4 characters
48Get 3 Rift Tears in 1 hour
49Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
50Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
51Get 5M AFK Kills in The RiftKillroy Prime
52Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
53Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
54Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
55Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
56Get 5M AFK Kills in The RiftSneak Mastery
57Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
58Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
59Get 5M AFK Kills in The Rift
60Not out yet…

Tips on beating different Rifts

There are a few different types of rifts which can be more complicated than others to beat and might even require some strategizing to beat effectively.

In most cases the key is to just wait until you get better gear and upgrades to boost your damage higher, but in others that’s not enough.

Starting off with the simplest ones which require you to get kills fast, including getting 500 kills in 5 minutes or killing mobs without letting them respawn.

Alongside buffing your damage, one of the most useful ways to kill the whole map fast is to use various Speed Potions, as they will make you run around the map extremely fast, making the process easier.

Speed Potions

As a bonus, Siege Breakers receive extra damage from the added speed due to their SpeeDNA skill in Tab 3, which also makes the Pirate Flag scoring a lot easier.

Also make sure to remove any skills or gear that make mobs respawn faster, if you’re trying to clear the map.

Finally, the only other objective that might require some more strategizing other than more damage are the Lava Skull kills.

The way the Skulls work is that once you kill one, the skull can move on to a different monster as long as one is alive, and if that monster already had a skull, it will upgrade to a higher skull.

Rift Monster Skulls

This means if you accidentally kill all the monsters on the map and the skull doesn’t have anyone to transfer to, you will start from scratch. This means it is usually easier to finish this challenge by doing attacks manually on enemies that have the skull on them.

The rest of the challenges really just require high damage to be able to kill the monsters.