All World 3 Quests (Walkthrough & Rewards)

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The third world in Idleon, Frostbite Tundra, unlocks some of the most important mechanics in the entire game. These include 3D Printing, The Atom Collider, Building, Cogs, Salts, Trapping, Worship, Prayers, Death Note and The Library.

You will be grinding all of these features until the very end game and beyond, bringing insane bonuses to all aspects of the game. Alongside all of these, there are tons of quests to complete in order to unlock and boost these features.

While there are a lot less NPC’s in this world, you will still receive tons of time candies, stamps and gems for completing all of the quests, as well as many unique quest rewards for the World 5 Slab, which increases your Archer classes damage and World 4 Tome points.

Make sure to check out our quest guides for the other worlds to find out what rewards you’re missing out on and the reason why you should complete as many unique quests as possible explained in the Blunder Hills article.

We will not show class experience or coin rewards in the tables, as they’re not really relevant since quests are not a significant way to gain money or experience (and they would needlessly clutter the tables).

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World 3 NPC Locations
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Hoggindaz World 3 NPC

Map: Frostbite Towndra (World 3 Town)

Hoggindaz introduces you to some of the new main mechanics in World 3, including Construction, 3D printing, Worship and Hunting. You get two necessary Star Talents while you learn how to utilize these new mechanics.

Show 4 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Constructing a Tower (#3)Sampling for 3D Printer (Star Talent) Printer Sampling Star Talent
Taking Samples (#5)Place shrines (Star Talent) Shrine Architect Star Talent
Chizoar No More (#9)Hoggi Token IconHoggi Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Easy FB Tundra NPC Token)
The Fresh Prince of the Tundra (#10)Frost Prince Trophy Frost Prince Trophy
(+2 Weapon Power, +50 DEF, +8% Total Damage, +10 STR/AGI/WIS/LUK)
Show All 10 Quests
1. Turn ON for what???Turn on Redox Combustion in the Refinery and have the following in your Storage for fuel:
Spore Cap (Monster drop)960x Spore Cap
Copper Ore (Mining)480x Copper Ore
Gem Icon 3x Gems
2. Trapping with the LordComplete Lord of the Hunt’s first quest to be able to place traps. Then buy a Cardboard Trap from the World 3 Town Shop and place it down on the frogs at World 1 – Jungle Perimeter map.1 hour of AFK Gains1x 1 Hour Time Candy
Gem Icon 4x Gems
3. Constructing a TowerBuild the orange and red signposts, then build the 3D Printer and Wizard Tower.
Also make 1 cog from the Cogs tab on this character (click Open Cog Shelf and place your current character into the first row).
Sampling for 3D Printer (Star Talent) Printer Sampling Star Talent
Gem Icon 2x Gems
4. Monke Tower Time!Buy and equip a Wax Skull from the World 3 Town Shop.
Wax Skull Icon
Then go to the World 1 – Forest Outskirts map and click “Summon” on the totem to start a Goblin Gorfest tower defence.

Finally, during the game, place at least 4 Wizard Towers.
1 hour of AFK Gains1x 1 Hour Time Candy
Gem Icon 2x Gems
5. Taking SamplesTake 2 Samples with your new Printer Sampling Star TalentPlace shrines (Star Talent) Shrine Architect Star Talent
Gem Icon 2x Gems
6. Voter RecognitionComplete Shuvelle’s first four quests to get Shuvelle’s Vote2 hours of AFK Gains3x 2 Hour Time Candy
7. Voter AppeasementComplete Yondergreen’s first four quests to get Yondergreens Vote4 hours of AFK Gains2x 4 Hour Time Candy
8. Voter ApathyComplete Bill Brr’s first four quests to get Bill Brr’s Vote12 hours of AFK Gains1x 12 Hour Time Candy
9. Chizoar No MoreDefeat Chizoar, the World 3 bossHoggi Token IconHoggi Token
Medium XP Balloon4x Medium Experience Balloon
Large XP Balloon 2x Large Experience Balloon
10. The Fresh Prince of the TundraCraft all the World 3 completion tokensFrost Prince Trophy Frost Prince Trophy
(+2 Weapon Power, +50 DEF, +8% Total Damage, +10 STR/AGI/WIS/LUK)
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Iceland Irwin

Iceland Irwin World 3 NPC

Map: Frostbite Towndra (World 3 Town)

Yet another Taskmaster, but this time for World 3. Thankfully you only need to kill a few Frost Flakes to unlock this one with a reward of a few gems and time candies to boot.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Crikey, it’s cold out! (#1)Unlocks World 3 Tasks
Show 1 Quest
1. Crikey, it’s cold out!Melty Cube Icon 250x Melty Cube
(Dropped by Frost Flakes)
1 hour of AFK Gains2x 1 Hour Time Candy
4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
Gem Icon 25x Gems

Unlocks World 3 Tasks
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Carpenter Cardinal

Carpenter Cardinal World 3 NPC

Map: Frostbite Towndra (World 3 Town)

Similar to all the other birds, the Cardinal unlocks the portal to World 4. Again, it is a good idea to try and unlock this as soon as possible so you can start generating cooking progress and Lab experience in the background.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Restoring Power, once again, to a Portal (#1)Unlocks the World 4 portal
Show 1 Quest
1. Restoring Power, once again, to a PortalGalaxial Amethyst IconGalaxial Amethyst
(Drops from Chizoar, the World 3 Boss)
5 to 500 Hour Time Candy1x Cosmic Time Candy (5 – 500 hours of AFK progress)

Unlocks the World 4 portal
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Worldo World 3 NPC

Map: Frostbite Towndra, inside the Igloo (World 3 Town)

Worldo is the Party Dungeon NPC for World 3 and gives you some more Dice as well as two Dungeon Card packs, which are very nice to boost your Party Dungeon stats. This is due to the fact that you can only get those cards from specific monsters inside of each Party Dungeon or from more Card Packs which are very expensive (and not worth buying) Gem-wise.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Odd Jobs for Cold Hard Cash (#1)Dungeon monster cards1x Dungeon Card Pack
Can’t Guard if you’re Dead! (#2)Dungeon monster cards1x Dungeon Card Pack
Show All 2 Quests
1. Odd Jobs for Cold Hard CashComplete 15 tasks in the World 3 Party Dungeon.Dungeon Loot Dice3x Dungeon Loot Dice
Dungeon monster cards1x Dungeon Card Pack
2. Can’t Guard if you’re Dead!Defeat 12 Ice Guards in the World 3 Party Dungeon.Dungeon Loot Dice4x Dungeon Loot Dice
Dungeon monster cards1x Dungeon Card Pack
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Lord of the Hunt

Lord of the Hunt NPC

Map: Trappers Folley (Left of World 3 Town)

Lord of the Hunt is the main NPC for trapping and in order to unlock new critters, you must complete his quests. This will be a long process but a necessary one as you need tons of each critter for various crafting purposes as well as Vials.

Check out our in-depth trapping build guide to find out how trapping works and how to unlock each critter.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Quests #1-10Unlocks new critters to trap
To Trap or not to Trap (#11)Critter Baron Trophy IconCritter Baron Trophy
(+20 AGI, +5% AGI)
Show All 11 Quests
1. Pelt for the Pelt GodSnake Skin (Monster drop)12x Snake Skin
(from W1 Winding Willows map)
Shrapshell Monster Drop10x Shrapshell
(from W2 Djonnuttown map)
Trap #1 1x Cardboard Traps
(from W3 Town Shop)
12 hours of AFK Gains2x 12 Hour Time Candy
2. Frogecoin to the MOON!#1 Critter100x Froge
Poison Froge (Trapping)1x Poison Froge
(World 1 – Jungle Perimeter)
4 hours of AFK Gains2x 4 Hour Time Candy
Medium XP Balloon5x Medium Experience Balloon
3. Yet another Cartoon ReferenceCrabbo (Trapping)250x Crabbo
#2 Shiny Critter1x Mutant Crabbo
(World 2 – Salty Shores)
4 hours of AFK Gains2x 4 Hour Time Candy
4. Small Stingers, Big Owie#3 Critter500x Scorpie
#3 Shiny Critter2x Crescent Scorpie
(World 2 – The Ring)
4 hours of AFK Gains2x 4 Hour Time Candy
Large XP Balloon2x Large Experience Balloon
5. The Mouse n the MoleratMousey (Trapping)1,000x Mousey
#4 Shiny Critter2x Nakeo Moleo
(World 1 – Rats Nest)
Gem Icon 10x Gems
6. Happy Tree Friend#5 Critter1,500x Owlio
#5 Shiny Critter3x Minervowl
(World 1 – Hollowed Trunk)
12 hours of AFK Gains1x 12 Hour Time Candy
7. Noot Noot!#6 Critter2,500x Pingy
#6 Shiny Critter4x Eternal Lord of The Undying Ember
(World 3 – The Stache Split)
12 hours of AFK Gains1x 12 Hour Time Candy
Gem Icon 10x Gems
8. Bunny you Should Say That!#7 Critter4,000x Bunny
#7 Shiny Critter6x Purbunni
(World 3 – Thermonuclear Climb)
Reset Start Talents 1x Star Talent Reset Potion
9. Rollin’ Thunder!#8 Critter8,000x Dung Beat
#8 Shiny Critter10x Jade Scarab
(World 2 – Efaunts Tomb, inside the Boss Room)
Reset Talent Points 4x Talent Point Reset Potion
10. Untitled Quest#9 Critter65,000x Honker
#9 Shiny Critter1x Diamond Duck
24 hours of AFK Gains1x 24 Hour Time Candy
Reset Post Office Boxes1x Post Office Box Reseto Magnifico
11. To Trap or not to Trap#3 Shiny Critter500x Crescent Scorpie
#6 Shiny Critter250x Eternal Lord of The Undying Ember
#9 Shiny Critter100x Diamond Duck
Critter Baron Trophy IconCritter Baron Trophy
(+20 AGI, +5% AGI)
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Lonely Hunter

Lonely Hunter World 3 NPC

Map: Snowfield Outskirts

The World 3 Colosseum NPC has 3 quests which you must complete in order to start receiving your daily tickets. Alongside the tickets you will also get the token needed for Hoggindaz’ final quest.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Opening Chests (#3)Lonely Hunter Token Icon Lonely Hunter Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Easy FB Tundra NPC Token)

Unlocks daily Colosseum ticket claims
Show All 3 Quests
1. Leaf Him Alone!Grass Leaf Icon200x Grass Leaf
Twisty Leaf Icon50x Twisty Leaf
1 hour of AFK Gains1x 1 Hour TIme Candy
Gem Icon 5x Gems
2. Skeleton? Skelegone!Summon Xylobones during the Colosseum by breaking the gravestone and kill 5 of them.1 hour of AFK Gains1x 1 Hour TIme Candy
Colosseum Ticket2x Colosseum Ticket
3. Opening ChestsOpen 7x Bronze Chests, 3x Silver Chests and 1x Gold ChestsColosseum Ticket2x Colosseum Ticket
Lonely Hunter Token Icon Lonely Hunter Token

Unlocks daily Colosseum ticket claims
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Snouts World 3 NPC

Map: The Stache Split

Snouts is stamps galore with a whopping 5 stamps from the first 3 quests and a token on top from the last quest.

The quests are quite difficult to complete early on, but if you leave them for later on for other characters, you will have no issues when it comes to generating enough redox salts.

Show 6 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
A Salty Fall (#1)Buckler Stamp Icon Buckler Stamp
(+Base Defence)
Gravity VS Salt (#2)Feather Stamp Icon Feather Stamp
(+% Movement Speed)
Shiny Critter Chance Stamp Purp Froge Stamp
(+% Shiny Critter Catch Rate)
Big Ol Chonker (#3)Talent 3 Stamp Icon Talent 3 Stamp
(More Tab 3 Talent points)
Biblio Stamp Icon Biblio Stamp
(+% Talent Book Library Refresh Rate)
Mana Plox (#4)Snouts Token Icon Snouts Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Easy FB Tundra NPC Token)
Show All 4 Quests
1. A Salty FallRedox Salts 30x Redox SaltsBuckler Stamp Icon Buckler Stamp
(+Base Defence)
2. Gravity VS SaltExplosive Salts 50x Explosive SaltsFeather Stamp Icon Feather Stamp
(+% Movement Speed)
Shiny Critter Chance Stamp Purp Froge Stamp
(+% Shiny Critter Catch Rate)
3. Big Ol ChonkerDefeat a giant Sir Stache mob. You need to have the Tachion of the Titans prayer equipped in order to spawn giant mobs.
Tachion of the Titans Prayer Icon
You can unlock it by reaching Wave 11 at the World 2 Tower Defense, Wakawaka War (W2 – Up Up Down Down map)

Giant mob spawn rate resets each week so on the first day of a weekly reset you will have the highest chance to spawn one.
Talent 3 Stamp Icon Talent 3 Stamp
(More Tab 3 Talent points)
Biblio Stamp Icon Biblio Stamp
(+% Talent Book Library Refresh Rate)
4. Mana PloxDecent Mana Potion Icon250x Decent Mana Potion
(Drops from Bloques in World 3 – Refrigeration Station)
4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
Snouts Token Icon Snouts Token
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Shuvelle World 3 NPC

Map: Mamooth Mountain

Shuvelle has a lot of tedious quests to kill monsters in specific locations to drop shovels and for some reason rewards you with a bunch of Dungeon Loot Dice.

A necessary evil as you need his Vote for Hoggindaz’ 6th quest and of course another token to craft the final NPC token.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Mayoral Movie Taste (#4)Shuvelle's Vote Icon Shuvelle’s Vote
(Needed for Hoggindaz’ 6th quest)
Dig Diggily Diggy Dig Dig Hole! (#7)Shuvelle Token IconShuvelle Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Med FB Tundra NPC Token)
Show All 7 Quests
1. Mayoral LuckKill Mamooths and gather 6 tusks before the time runs out (if you fail, forfeit and restart the quest)1 hour of AFK Gains2x 1 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
2. Mayoral SkillMosquisnow (Catching) 200x Mosquisnow
(World 3 – Mamooooth Mountain)
Jellyfish Icon2,000x Jellyfish
Sentient Cereal (Catching)2,000x Sentient Cereal
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
3. Mayoral Sack SizeMamooth Tusk (Monster drop)8,000x Mamooth Tusk4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
4. Mayoral Movie TasteIce Age 3 Icon1x Ice Age 3
(Rare drop from Mamooths)
Shuvelle's Vote Icon Shuvelle’s Vote
Dungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
5. Diggy Hole!Kill mamooths right under the rope 12 times (don’t pick up the dropped shovels that are on the correct location)2 hours of AFK Gains1x 2 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
6. Diggy Diggy Hole!Kill Snowmen right above the totem 15 times (don’t pick up the dropped shovels that are on the correct location even when leaving the map)4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
7. Dig Diggily Diggy Dig Dig Hole!Kill Thermisters at the very right edge of the bottom right platform 16 times (don’t pick up the dropped shovels that are on the correct location)4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
Shuvelle Token IconShuvelle Token
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Yondergreen World 3 NPC

Map: Signature Slopes

Similar to Shovelle, you get a bunch of Dungeon Loot Dice and time candies as rewards, which aren’t huge motivators for such tedious quests.

However, you also get Yondergreens Vote which is required to proceed with Hoggindaz’ questline, as well as the usual Token for his last quest.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Legislative Action (#4)Yondergreens Vote IconYondergreens Vote
Ad Solidarity Contract (#7)Yondergreen Token IconYondergreen Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Med FB Tundra NPC Token)
Show All 7 Quests
1. Infrastructure PlanPlace 4 Shrines on this mapDungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
2. Economic PolicyKill Penguins until there are 75 coins on the ground. You must pick up any other loot from the ground or use the Item Filter to prevent them from being dropped at all.
(Turn off auto-attack and auto-loot for this)
Dungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
3. Stance on Big TechTake a Printer Sample of at least 20 pens4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
4. Legislative ActionSigned Contract Icon4x Signed Contract
(These drop from active kills on Penguins while this quest is active)
Yondergreens Vote IconYondergreens Vote
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
5. No Snapping ContractGo AFK on The Stache Split map for 4 hours and 10 minutes. (You can be off by 3 minutes in either direction, so can’t use Time Candy for this. You can see your current AFK timer by clicking the clock-icon in the character selection screen)4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
6. Keep Away ContractGo AFK on on the Snowfield Outskirts map for 9 hours and 33 minutes. (Same rules as above)12 hours of AFK Gains1x 12 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
7. Ad Solidarity ContractGo AFK on the Overpass of Sound map for 21 hours and 51 minutes. (Same rules as above)24 hours of AFK Gains1x 24 Hour Time Candy
Yondergreen Token IconYondergreen Token
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Crystalswine World 3 NPC

Map: Cryo Catacombs

Crystalswine has a few simple quests that give you stamps and Dungeon Loot Dice. If you have a lot of damage, these quests should be a breeze.

The Stamps themselves are nothing to write home about but as always, you should unlock them anyway.

Show 3 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Melting the Snakes (#1)Hermes Stamp Icon Hermes Stamp (+AGI)
Sunrunning to Chizoar (#2)Crystalswine Token Icon Crystalswine Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Med FB Tundra NPC Token)
Global Warming (#3)Avast Yar Stamp Icon Avast Yar Stamp
(+Base Damage)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Melting the SnakesDefeat all Cryosnakes within 20 secondsHermes Stamp Icon Hermes Stamp (+AGI)
2 hours of AFK Gains1x 2 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
2. Sunrunning to ChizoarDefeat all Cryosnakes, Bop Boxes and Neyeptunes within 60 seconds
4 hours of AFK Gains1x 4 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice3x Dungeon Loot Dice
Crystalswine Token Icon Crystalswine Token
3. Global WarmingDefeat all monsters from this map all the way to Wam Wonderland (make sure you have it unlocked first) within 168 seconds.

Cryo Catacombs >
Waterlogged Entrance >
Thermonuclear Climb >
Signature Slopes >
Rollin’ Tundra >
Mamooooth Mountain >
Refrigeration Station >
The Stache Split >
Wam Wonderland
Avast Yar Stamp Icon Avast Yar Stamp
(+Base Damage)
24 hours of AFK Gains1x 24 Hour Time Candy
Dungeon Loot Dice5x Dungeon Loot Dice
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Bill Brr

Bill Brr World 3 NPC

Map: Overpass of Sound

This famous comedian has a few interesting quests and an especially difficult one where you most destroy Ice Orbs during a Chizoar battle without taking damage.

The rewards are once again lackluster but will help you progress in the Party Dungeons in case you are not getting enough Dice on your own.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Coin Shenanigans (#4)Bill Brrs Vote IconBill Brr’s Vote
Hatin’ on the Green One (#7)Bill Brr Token IconBill Brr Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Hard FB Tundra NPC Token)
Show All 7 Quests
1. Fairly Odd DamageDeal an ‘odd’ amount of damage 8 times in a row.
Check out our guide on how to do this easily
Medium XP Balloon5x Medium Experience Balloon
Gem Icon 3x Gems
2. Laughin’ AmphibianKill the shielded Gigafrog that spawns on the map. It will take a while to kill it, so make sure you don’t have any Prayers active that boost enemy HPDungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
Gem Icon 4x Gems
3. The Spores are a BoreKill the Cryo Snakes without damaging any mushroom (unequip any AOE weapons like spears)2 hours of AFK Gains2x 2 Hour Time Candy
4. Coin ShenanigansStand on top of the coin to pick it up. If it’s not getting picked up, turn off Auto-Loot.Bill Brrs Vote IconBill Brr’s Vote
Dungeon Loot Dice1x Dungeon Loot Dice
5. Have a Candy1 hour of AFK Gains5x 1 Hour Time Candy
2 hours of AFK Gains2x 2 Hour Time Candy
4 hours of AFK Gains3x 4 Hour Time Candy
6. Duckin’ and Shatterin’Destroy 18 Ice Orbs without getting hit by the falling Ice Shards during a Chizoar boss battle. If you fail, you must forfeit and re-activate the quest.Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
7. Hatin’ on the Green OneDefeat Chizoar on Chaotic difficultyDungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
Bill Brr Token IconBill Brr Token
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Bellows World 3 NPC

Map: Crystal Basecamp

Bellows is the boss door guardian for World 3 and will start dropping Chizoar’s Cavern keys daily once you finish up his third quest.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Veyebing (#3)Unlocks the ability to collect daily Chizoar’s Cavern Keys
Optometric Hoarder (#4)Bellows Token IconBellows Token
(Used for Hoggindaz last quest to craft Hard FB Tundra NPC Token)
Show All 4 Quests
1. Poking Some Eyes OutKill 50 NeyeptunesChizoars Cavern Key Icon1x Chizoar’s Cavern Key
2. EyexperienceGet 3,200 Experience from a single Neyeptune kill.

You can boost your active EXP from The Upgrade Vault among other things.
Chizoars Cavern Key Icon2x Chizoar’s Cavern Key
3. VeyebingKill a Giant Neyeptune.

You need to have the Tachion of the Titans prayer equipped in order to spawn giant mobs, similar to Snouts third quest. Check that description for more tips.
Chizoars Cavern Key Icon2x Chizoar’s Cavern Key

Unlocks the ability to collect daily keys
4. Optometric HoarderContact Lense (Monster drop)14,000 Contact Lense
Black Lense Icon4x Black Lense
(Both drop from Neyeptunes)
Bellows Token IconBellows Token
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Finally we’re done with all the World 3 quests, but far from done with all the awesome World 3 mechanics. You will be grinding most of them up to the very end game and beyond, but as always they’ll be churning away in the background while you move on to World 4.