All World 6 Quests (Walkthrough & Rewards)

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The sixth world in Idleon, also known as Spirited Valley, has only a few simple quests that reward you with various boosters to the new World 6 mechanics, Sneaking, Farming and Summoning.

All in all, the rewards are very underwhelming but at least this world contains the final class advancement NPC, Masterius, although currently the amount of classes are very limited.

A lot of the World 6 quests also provide you with a bunch of Gold Food Coupons, which you will need to grind a lot of in order to upgrade The Beanstalk, which can be bought from the Jade Emporium.

Make sure to check out the other Worlds quest guides below to finish up any missing quests and rewards. Make sure to glance through our Blunder Hills guide as it has a section about why it’s important to finish as many different quests as possible!

We will not show class experience or coin rewards in the tables, as they’re not really relevant since quests are not a significant way to gain money or experience (and they would needlessly clutter the tables).

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World 6 NPC Locations
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Lafu Shi

Lafu Shi World 6 NPC

Map: Spirit Village (World 6 Town)

Lafu Shi explains the new World 6 mechanics and gives you some nice boosters to speed them up.

Other than that, this NPC is one and done, nothing special.

Show All 6 Quests
1. Seed PlantingPlant a seed in FarmingCompost Bag Icon 3x Compost Bag
2. Visiting the Farmer’s MarketBuy a new Land Plot and grow 2 apples in FarmingCompost Bag Icon 4x Compost Bag
Sand of Time Icon 2x Sand of Time
3. Climbing the Ninja HotelIn Sneaking:
– Find 100 Jade Coins
– Buy the Looting Ambition upgrade
– Find and upgrade Nunchakus
Compost Bag Icon 2x Compost Bag
Sand of Time Icon 3x Sand of Time
4. Emporium InvestingPurchase your first Jade Emporium UpgradeCompost Bag Icon 3x Compost Bag
Sand of Time Icon 2x Sand of Time
5. Summoning DebutWin a Summoning matchSummoner Stone Icon 2x Summoner Stone
6. Essence JuicingBuy 3 Summoning Upgrades and win one more Summoning matchCompost Bag Icon 2x Compost Bag
Sand of Time Icon 1x Sand of Time
Summoner Stone Icon 2x Summoner Stone
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Spirit Sungmin

Spirit Sungmin World 6 NPC

Map: Spirit Village (World 6 Town)

Another day, another taskmaster. Kill a few World 6 monsters and bring their drops to Sungmin. The rewards are once again unnoteworthy, but you get to start grinding the various World 6 tasks and achievements.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Mind, Body, Soul, Tasks (#1)Unlocks World 6 Tasks
Show 1 Quest
1. Mind, Body, Soul, TasksLeafy Droplet Icon2,500x Leafy Droplet
(Drops from Sprout Spirits)

Rice Cake Monster Drop1,000x Rice Cake
(Drops from Ricecakes)

Bamboo Icon500x Bamboo
(Drops from River Spirits)
Compost Bag Icon 2x Compost Bag
Sand of Time Icon 2x Sand of Time

Unlocks World 6 Tasks
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Hoov World 6 NPC

Map: Picnic Bridgeways

One more for the piggy family, bringing in two new stamps and even a few more Storage slots, which is always great.

The Crop Evo Stamp is especially great as it’s one of the few ways to improve your Farming progress. You also get some Gold Food Coupons to get started on The Beanstalk (Jade Emporium upgrade), but you have to grind a lot more by active fighting regardless.

Show 3 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Sneak Dropout (#1)Crop Evo Stamp Icon Crop Evo Stamp
(+% Crop Evolution Chance)
Stealth Check 1 2 3 (#2)Void Sword Stamp Icon Void Sword Stamp
(More Base Damage)
Sneak Graduate (#4)Ninja Chest Icon Ninja Chest
(+3 Storage Slots)
Show All 4 Quests
1. Sneak DropoutReach Sneaking Level 10Crop Evo Stamp Icon Crop Evo Stamp
(+% Crop Evolution Chance)
Sand of Time Icon 1x Sand of Time
2. Stealth Check 1 2 3Reach a total Stealth of 10,420 across all your Sneaking charactersVoid Sword Stamp Icon Void Sword Stamp
(More Base Damage)
Gold Food Coupon Icon 300x Gold Food Coupon
3. Sneak RegistrationReach Sneaking Level 40Sand of Time Icon 1x Sand of Time
Gold Food Coupon Icon 1,000x Gold Food Coupon
4. Sneak Graduate
Reach Sneaking Level 80
Ninja Chest Icon Ninja Chest (+3 Storage Slots)
Gold Food Coupon Icon 1,500x Gold Food Coupon
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Masterius World 6 NPC

Map: Troll Playground

Masterius is the final class advancement NPC, but currently he is only available for the Blood Berserker to advance to the new Death Bringer class. There are no additional rewards for these quests.

This means you can only complete these two quests on a Blood Berserker for now!

Show All 2 Quests
1. Mastering the Vibe CheckKill 92 different monsters

(You can speed this up by going through all the different Colosseums and even the reward chests in the Colosseums count as different mobs)
2. Mastering the ClassSelect a Mastery Class
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Woodlin Elder

Woodlin Elder World 6 NPC

Map: Edge of the Valley

While Woodlin Elder is not a crucial NPC quest reward wise, he gives a huge amount of Gold Food Coupons, which can be useful towards your Beanstalk progress, if you get lucky and get some rare foods from them.

Show All 5 Quests
1. Portal IssuesWoodlin Spirit Monster
Kill 400,000 Woodlin Spirits
Gold Food Coupon Icon 800x Gold Food Coupon
2. Big Lock PickingKill 400,000 on a different characterCompost Bag Icon 4x Compost Bag
Sand of Time Icon 3x Sand of Time
Large XP Balloon6x Large Experience Balloon
3. FiddyKill exactly 50 Woodlin Spirits and go stand on the top right platform to finish the quest. Disable Auto-Attack to do this.

Click on the image below to see the correct location.
Hunned Fiddy Platform
Gold Food Coupon Icon 1,500x Gold Food Coupon
4. Hunned FiddySame as above but for 150 Woodlin SpiritsGold Food Coupon Icon 2,500x Gold Food Coupon
5. Triple TreSame as above but for 333 Woodlin SpiritsGold Food Coupon Icon 4,000x Gold Food Coupon
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Sussy Gene

Sussy Gene World 6 NPC

Map: Above the Clouds

Sussy Gene provides us with 3 fresh stamps, improving our summoning progress and some more damage. On top of that, he gives out a generous amount of gold food which is nice if you get lucky with the variety.

Genes last quest is one of the slowest in the entire game, as it’s time-locked behind getting tons of Familiars from the Summoning upgrades as you can only buy the necessary upgrade 10 times per day.

Show 3 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Goofin’ Around (#1)Triad Essence Stamp Icon Triad Essence Stamp
(+% Green, Yellow, Blue Summoning Essence Gain)
Messin’ Around (#2)Summoner Stone Stamp Icon Summoner Stone Stamp
(+% Summoning Experience Gain)
Loiterin’ Around (#3)Void Axe Stamp Icon Void Axe Stamp
(+% Total Damage)
Show All 3 Quests
1. Goofin’ AroundIn Summoning:
– Last more than 2 minutes in a single match

– Spawn 5 bloomies in a single match

– Spawn a total 1,000 slimes across all matches

(all these can be done in separate matches)
Triad Essence Stamp Icon Triad Essence Stamp
(+% Green, Yellow, Blue Summoning Essence Gain)

Gold Food Coupon Icon 1,500x Gold Food Coupon
2. Messin’ Around
In Summoning:

– Have 2,500 mana at once in a single match
– Have you and your enemy at 1 hp at the same time
– Spawn 8 Vrumbies (green slime) from a single card
Summoner Stone Stamp Icon Summoner Stone Stamp (+% Summoning Experience Gain)

Gold Food Coupon Icon 2,500x Gold Food Coupon
3. Loiterin’ AroundIn Summoning:
– Have a Regalis in your sanctuary (you must upgrade the Familiar upgrade 360 times so this will take at least 36 days)
Familiar Summoning Upgrade Icon
– Play 7 non-gray slimes in a row (you can manually click on cards to play them and click the Re-Draw button to draw new cards)

– Last more than 5 minutes in a single match
Void Axe Stamp Icon Void Axe Stamp (+% Total Damage)

Gold Food Coupon Icon 3,000x Gold Food Coupon
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Other than the above NPC’s there are also two more characters that don’t have any quests yet, but they will most likely receive some quests in future updates. We will add them to the guide if they eventually receive some quests.

Tribal Shaman World 6 NPC

Tribal Shaman
(Bamboo Laboredge)

Potti World 6 NPC

(Sleepy Skyline)

Other than that, you’re now done with all the World 6 quests and can start focusing on grinding out the never-ending Sneaking grind as well as Farming for those Crop Depot bonuses.

Make sure to check out all our other quest guides to make sure you’ve 100%:ted all of them and are not missing out on any epic rewards.