All World 1 Quests (Walkthrough & Rewards)

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Idleon is packed with various quests with varying degrees of rewards. Some give out game changing talents or stamps, others simply shill out a few coins. However aside from rewards there are other reasons why you would want to finish as many quests as possible, including a few Star Talents that get stronger based on the amount of quests you have finished.

This article lists all the quests that can be found in World 1, also known as Blunder Hills, along with tips and tricks on how to complete some of the trickier ones. There are currently nearly 80 quests found in this world and doing them with all characters will take half a lifetime.

Under each NPC we will show two expanders, the first will show any especially useful rewards that you can obtain from some of the quests and the second will show each quest, their requirements and rewards.

Make sure to check out the quests from World 2 as well, so you don’t miss out on amazing rewards:

We will not show class experience or coin rewards in the tables, as they’re not really relevant since quests are not a significant way to gain money or experience (and they would needlessly clutter the tables).

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Why you should do all the quests

The obvious reason is that most NPC’s have at least one noteworthy reward, but there are a few other reasons as well, most notably the following Special Talents:

Quest KAPOW! Talent Icon
Quest Kapow!
Each completed unique quest across all characters gives +1% DamageLevel 100:
+1% DMG per quest up to +500% DMG
Level 200:
+1% DMG per quest up to +1,000% DMG
Studious Quester Star Talent
Studious Quester
Each completed unique quest across all characters gives +0.10% All Skill EfficiencyLevel 100:
+0.10% Skill Eff. per quest up to +40% Skill Eff.
Level 150:
+0.10% Skill Eff. per quest up to +60% Skill Eff.
Gain LUK from Quests (Star Talent)
Quest Chungus
Each completed unique quest across all characters gives +1 LUKLevel 50:
+1 LUK per quest up to +200 LUK
Level 100:
+1 LUK per quest up to +400 LUK

(Unique quests mean that if you do that same quest on multiple characters, it only counts as 1 quest for these counters)

Another small bonus is that The Tome in World 4 also gives you more points according to your unique quests completed across all characters. While this single bonus won’t be the biggest difference maker, The Tome itself gives fantastic bonuses overall.

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World 1 NPC Locations
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Scripticus World 1 NPC

Map: Blunder Hills (World 1 Town)

Scripticus is the first NPC in World 1 and shows you the basics of how to play Idleon and provides you with some nice inventory space and potentially your first decent Trophy eventually.

Show 5 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Mr. Worldwide (#3)Inventory Bag A Icon Inventory Bag A (+1 Slot)
Warrior, Archer or Mage? (#5)Inventory Bag B Icon Inventory Bag B (+1 Slot)
What Lies at the Heart of the Forest (#6)Inventory Bag C Icon Inventory Bag C (+1 Slot)
The Bigger they are, the Bigger they Fall! (#7)Increase all stats based on your highest level (Star Talent) Will Of The Eldest Star Talent
Champion of the Grasslands (#8)Blunder Hero (Trophy Icon)Blunder Hero Trophy
(+2 Weapon Power, +15 DEF, +5 STR/AGI/WIS/LUK, +3% Skill AFK Gains)
Show All 8 Quests
1. Hardcore Gamer Status, Here I Come!Defeat 5 Green MushroomsCrimson String Quest Item Crimson String
2. Gear Up, Gamer!Craft Boxing Gloves with:
Crimson String Quest Item 1x Crimson String
Cue Tape Icon1x Cue Tape (from World 1 shop)
3. Mr. WorldwideEquip the boxing gloves you just crafted and use the portals to go to the next map after Green Mushrooms (Froggy Fields)
Then use the Map to teleport anywhere.
Inventory Bag A Icon Inventory Bag A (+1 Slot)
4. The Choice is Yours!Spend 5 talent pointsMini Materials Pouch Icon Mini Material Pouch
5. Warrior, Archer or Mage?Select a class advancement from Promotheus (Valley of the Beans map) and buy 25 upgrades from the Upgrade Vault.Inventory Bag B Icon Inventory Bag B (+1 Slot)
Mini Materials Pouch Icon Small Material Pouch
6. What Lies at the Heart of the ForestUnlock the Encroaching Forest Villas map (Map #8)Inventory Bag C Icon Inventory Bag C (+1 Slot)
Bottled Town Teleport Icon 10x Bottled Town Teleport
7. The Bigger they are, the Bigger they Fall!Complete Dog Bone’s first quest to get some Forest Villa Keys, then defeat the Amarok boss (through the big door in the same map)Increase all stats based on your highest level (Star Talent) Will Of The Eldest Star Talent
8. Champion of the GrasslandsCraft all the World 1 completion tokens.Blunder Hero (Trophy Icon)Blunder Hero Trophy
(+2 Weapon Power, +15 DEF, +5 STR/AGI/WIS/LUK, +3% Skill AFK Gains)
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Mr Pigibank

Mr Pigibank World 1 NPC

Map: Blunder Hills (World 1 Town)

Mr Pigibank is the banker hoarding all of your Stamps and Bribes, which boost all aspects of Idleon. Quest-wise he only has one, which unlocks the Stamp view upon completion.

Show 1 Quest
QuestWhat to do?Rewards
1. A Pig and his StampsBuy any 1 of the 3 stamps from the World 1 shopUnlocks the use of stamps
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Town Marble

Town Marble World 1 NPC

Map: Blunder Hills (World 1 Town)

Similar to Mr Pigibank, this NPC only has one purpose and this time it’s holding all of your statues to provide various bonuses to base stats all across the various stats and professions found in the game. This piece of marble also just has a single easy quest that unlocks the use of statues.

Show 1 Quest
1. Visualizing the Sculpture Within…Buy Sculpting Tools from the World 1 shopPower Statue Icon 1x Power Statue
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Builder Bird

Builder Bird World 1 NPC

Map: Blunder Hills (World 1 Town)

The Builder Bird unlocks the portal to World 2 once you finish most of Scipticus’ quests and kill Amarok. World portals unlock for all characters when the quest is completed!

Show 1 Quest
1. Restoring Power to the PortalGive the bird the Desert Topaz that is dropped by AmarokSmall XP Balloon2x Small Experience Balloon
Reset Start Talents Star Talent Reset Potion
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Glumlee World 1 NPC

Map: Tunnels Entrance

Glumlee introduces you to the amazing world of mining, which is a cornerstone of Idleon, as almost all equipment require some sort of ore to be smelted into bars. Sadly his quest rewards are not particularly useful.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
The Impossible Task (#4)Turn Skill XP to Class XP (Star Talent) Exp Converter Star Talent
He’s Havin’ a Bad Day (#5)Glumlee Token Icon Glumlee Token
(Used for crafting the “Easy Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 5 Quests
1. Learning to SwingMine 2 Copper OreGlumlees Special Tutorial Oil IconGlumlee’s Special Tutorial Oil
2. Learning to SmeltSmelt a Copper Bar at the Forge. You can use the oil from the previous quest to speed it up.Bottled Town Teleport Icon10x Bottled Town Teleport
3. Literally Burning your MoneyBuy 2 upgrades from the ForgeJunk Pickaxe (Mining)Junk Pickaxe
Miniature Mining Pouch Icon Miniature Mining Pouch
4. The Impossible TaskPick up the microphone he drops on the ground.Turn Skill XP to Class XP (Star Talent) Exp Converter Star Talent
5. He’s Havin’ a Bad DayPick up the microphone he drops on the ground again.Glumlee Token Icon Glumlee Token (hold down mouse on it to store it to your NPC Tokens tab)
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Mutton World 1 NPC

Map: Freefall Caverns

Mutton is the next NPC you encounter after Glumlee and he provides a few stamps as rewards, one of which is the Golden Apple Stamp which is a big boost for Gold Food bonuses!


Muttons last quest requires you to collect tons of Corporatube Subs, Instablab Followers and Cloudsound Followers. However these items will only drop from monsters while you have this quest active (not completed). You can complete the quest earlier on one character to get the Golden Apple Stamp.

This also means that if you don’t finish this quest, you will get tons of these 3 items while you play normally, allowing you to Green Stack them in your Storage Box (over 10 million of each becomes a Green Stack).

You want to get as many Green Stacks in your storage as possible, because in World 4 Lab the Unadulterated Banking Fury bonus gives +2% Total Damage per Green Stack.

Also the Equinox in World 3 has a requirement of 200 different Green Stacks for one of the upgrades.

Show 4 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Beatboxing Starterpack (#1)Increases base STR Fist Stamp (+STR)
Storage Chest 5 Icon Storage Chest 5 (+3 Slots)
Clout Chasin’ (#2)Manamoar Stamp Icon Manamoar Stamp (+Base MP)
Cross Platform Promotion (#3)Scimitar Stamp Icon Scimitar Stamp (+Base DMG)
7 Figure Followers (#4)Increases golden food bonuses Golden Apple Stamp (+% Golden Food Effects)
Steve Sword Icon Steve Sword Stamp (+% Total DMG)
Show All 4 Quests
1. Beatboxing StarterpackFind the Headband and Pants by killing monsters:
White Headband Helmet White Headband
Give Up On Life Pants Leg ArmorGive Up On Life Pants
(Both of the above items are dropped by Green Mushrooms, Frogs, Bored Beans, Red Mushrooms, and Amarok)
Flip Flops ShoesCraft Flip Flops with:
Bean Slices (Monster drop)12x Bean Slices
Grass Leaf Icon5x Grass Leaf
Increases base STR Fist Stamp (+STR)
Storage Chest 5 Icon Storage Chest 5 (+3 Slots)
2. Clout Chasin’Corporatube Sub Icon300x Corporatube Sub
(Easiest monsters that drop these are Poops. Click the sewer in World 1 town to find them!)
Manamoar Stamp Icon Manamoar Stamp (+Base MP)
1 hour of AFK Gains1x 1 Hour Time Candy
3. Cross Platform PromotionCorporatube Sub Icon5,000x Corporatube Sub
Instablab Follower Icon1,000x Instablab Follower
(Easiest monsters that drop Instablabs are Rats. They’re found in the next map after Poops)
Scimitar Stamp Icon Scimitar Stamp (+Base DMG)
Gem Icon 3x Gems
4. 7 Figure FollowersCorporatube Sub Icon200,000x Corporatube Sub
Instablab Follower Icon300,000x Instablab Follower
Cloudsound Follower Icon500,000x Cloudsound Follower
(Cloudsound Followers are dropped by nearly every monster in all worlds once this quest is active!)
Increases golden food bonuses Golden Apple Stamp (+% Golden Food Effects)
Steve Sword Icon Steve Sword Stamp (+% Total DMG)
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Krunk World 1 NPC

Map: Freefall Caverns

Krunk has some pretty underwhelming quests, the best reward being a new bridge that unlocks at the top of the map which allows you to run to Gold Ores a little faster. Thankfully the quests are pretty easy to finish up.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
The Scientific Method, According to a Rock (#2)Storage Chest 3 Icon Storage Chest 3 (+3 slots)
Show All 3 Quests
1. A Plot to be PerfectIron Ore (Mining)200x Iron Ore
Small Mana Potion Icon50x Small Mana Potion
(You can buy Small Mana Potions from the World 1 Shop)
Icing Ironbite (Food)200x Icing Ironbite
2. The Scientific Method, According to a RockGold Ore (Mining)200x Gold Ore
Iron Bar (Smelting)100x Iron Bar
Power Statue Icon20x Power Statue
(Easiest to farm from Slimes, Baby Boas or Carrotmans)
Armor Upgrade Stone G Icon5x Armor Upgrade Stone G (+4 Random Stat, 42% chance)
Storage Chest 3 Icon Storage Chest 3 (+3 slots)
3. King of the CavernBleach Logs (Chopping)1,200x Bleach Logs
Trusty Nails (Smithing)300x Trusty Nails
Thread (Smithing)600x Thread
Speed Statue Icon2x Speed Statue

Also unlocks a bridge at the top of the map, allowing faster access from the portal to Gold Ore.
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Woodsman World 1 NPC

Map: Spore Meadows

The Woodsman is your introduction to the Chopping skill, but sadly gives no worthwhile rewards from his quests, other than the token which is needed for one of Scripticus’ quests.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Exotic Pranks… I mean Logs! (#4)Woodsman Token IconWoodsman Token
(Used for crafting the “Easy Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 4 Quests
1. A noob’s first swingOak Logs (Chopping) 3x Oak LogsMiniature Choppin Pouch IconMiniature Choppin Pouch
2. A noob’s 2nd first swingOak Logs (Chopping) 30x Oak LogsOld Hatchet Icon Old Hatchet
3. It’s Just a Plank, Bro!Oak Logs (Chopping) 1,000x Oak LogsStump Prop Helmet Stump Prop Helmet (Choppin Power +5,
AGI +3, LUK +4, DEF +2,
Chop Efficiency +5%)
4. Exotic Pranks… I mean Logs!Forest Fibres (Chopping) 1x Forest Fibres
(This tree can be found in the last map of World 1)
Woodsman Token IconWoodsman Token
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Typhoon World 1 NPC

Map: Froggy Fields

Typhoon is the Colosseum guardian for World 1 and is your source for Colosseum Tickets for this world. You simply need to complete his one easy quest to start gaining tickets and start Colosseum runs.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Surprise Attack! (#1)Ability to collect a Colosseum Ticket every day (stacks up to 3 if you forget to collect for 3 days)
Show 1 Quest
1. Surprise Attack!Kill the 7 Frogs that spawned.Colosseum Ticket 1x Colosseum Ticket

Unlocks the ability to collect a Colosseum Ticket every day by clicking on him.
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Picnic Stowaway

Picnic Stowaway World 1 NPC

Map: Froggy Fields

Picnic Stowaway is an NPC where you can repeat most of his quests once per day, in this case in order to get the King of Food Trophy (one of the best ones early on).

You can also get the important Crystals 4 Dayys Star Talent which increases Crystal Monster spawn chance by A LOT which is important for grinding statues.

Show 4 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Brunchin’ with the Blobs (#5)Peanut Food IconPeanut Recipe (just starting this quest will give you the recipe already)
The Last Supper, at Least for Today! (#9)More Crystal Monsters (Star Talent) Crystals 4 Dayys Star Talent
A Midnight Snack (#11)Picnic Token Icon 1x Picnic Token
King of Food (#12)King of Food (Trophy Icon)King of Food Trophy
(+3 Weapon Power, +10 STR/WIS/AGI/LUK, +25 DEF, +20% Food Effect)
Show All 12 Quests
1. The Hungry StowawayOrange Tee Icon1x Orange Tee
(Craft it from the Anvil)
Miniscule Food Pouch IconMiniscule Food Pouch
2. Beating Up Frogs for some SauceKetchup Bottle Icon3x Ketchup Bottle
Mustard Bottle Icon3x Mustard Bottle
(These drop from Frogs while the quest is active)
Little Wooden Katana AmuletLittle Wooden Katana Amulet (+2 STR, +1 AGI)
3. Live-Action EntertainmentDefeat 10 Green Mushrooms that spawn on the map. (If you fail for any reason, you can forfeit the quest from the quest window and start it again)Increases Max HP5x Golden Jam (Increases max HP when equipped in a food slot)
4. The Most Important Meal of the DayFrog Leg (Monster drop)200x Frog Leg
Bean Slices (Monster drop)100x Bean Slices
Increases Max HP3x Golden Jam
Increases HP by 12025x Average Life Potion
5. Brunchin’ with the BlobsPeanut Food Icon100x Peanut
Bleach Logs (Chopping)1,500x Bleach Logs
Grass Leaf Icon50x Grass Leaf

(You get the Peanut recipe when you start the quest, it’s also needed for Journeyman)
Increases Max HP5x Golden Jam
Average Speed Potion Icon50x Average Speed Potion
Small XP Balloon1x Small Experience Balloon
6. Luncheon with the InlawsCrude Oil Icon200x Crude Oil
Iron Bar (Smelting)100x Iron Bar
Sculpting Tools Icon1x Sculpting Tools
Increases Max HP8x Golden Jam
Golden Kebabs Food Icon2x Golden Kebabs
Kachow Statue Icon3x Kachow Statue
7. Afternoon Tea in a JiffyRun to the Vegetable Patch map and kill the Sandy Pot in the map, pick up the teacup dropped by it and run back.
Don’t use the map to teleport or the quest will fail!
Increases Max HP13x Golden Jam
Golden Kebabs Food Icon5x Golden Kebabs
Small XP Balloon1x Small Experience Balloon
8. Early Evening Eating EndeavorIron Helmet1x Iron Helmet
Kebab Sticks (Food)500x Kebab Sticks
(You can buy Kebab Sticks from the World 2 Town Shop)
Increases Max HP20x Golden Jam
Golden Kebabs Food Icon10x Golden Kebabs
9. The Last Supper, at Least for Today!Magic Meatloaf Icon1x Magic Meatloaf
(Dropped by Amarok, the World 1 Boss)
Golden Kebabs Food Icon20x Golden Kebabs
Golden Meat Pie Icon1x Golden Meat Pie
More Crystal Monsters (Star Talent) Crystals 4 Dayys Star Talent
10. Don’t Desert the DessertNuget Cake Icon2x Nuget Cake
(1 in 20K chance to drop from Crabcakes in World 2 Dessert Dunes map)
Golden Meat Pie Icon5x Golden Meat Pie
Warped Helmet Upgrade Stone Icon2x Warped Helmet Upgrade Stone (50% chance for +5 random stat)
Gem Icon1x Gems
11. A Midnight SnackMidnight Cookie Icon2x Midnight Cookie
(Rare drop from later World 2 mobs, like Tyson, Moonmoon, Sand Giant, Snelbie and Efaunt)
Golden Meat Pie Icon10x Golden Meat Pie
Picnic Token Icon 1x Picnic Token
12. King of FoodPicnic Token Icon 30x Picnic TokenKing of Food (Trophy Icon)King of Food Trophy
(+3 Weapon Power, +10 STR/WIS/AGI/LUK, +25 DEF, +20% Food Effect)
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Hamish World 1 NPC

Map: Froggy Fields

Hamish is found at the bottom right of Froggy Fields and all of his quests provide some nice rewards including 2 stamps as well as some more storage space.

Show 3 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
The Hamazing Plot Twist (#1)Tomahawk Stamp IconTomahawk Stamp (+% Total DMG)
Should we tell him? (#2)Choppin' Bag Stamp Icon Choppin’ Bag Stamp (More carry capacity for logs)
Slime for Storage (#3)Storage Chest 1 Icon Storage Chest 1 (+3 Slots)
Show All 3 Quests
1. The Hamazing Plot TwistCopper Chopper IconCraft Copper Chopper with:
Oak Logs (Chopping)6x Oak Logs
Thread (Smithing)5x Thread
Tomahawk Stamp IconTomahawk Stamp (+% Total DMG)
2. Should we tell him?Craft Purple Tupacband from the recipe he drops:
Choppin' Bag Stamp Icon Choppin’ Bag Stamp (More carry capacity for logs)
Reset Talent PointsTalent Point Reset Potion
3. Slime for StorageSlime Sludge Icon50x Slime SludgeStorage Chest 1 Icon Storage Chest 1 (+3 Slots)
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Toadstall World 1 NPC

Map: Grandfrog’s Backyard

Toadstall is just here to introduce you to the Party Dungeons and give you a few Dice to get your first Dungeon Credits. None of the rewards are fantastic and you will get infinitely more by simply grinding the dungeons.

Show All 3 Quests
1. Creating a Party!Create a party from the party-button in your inventory.Dungeon Credit Icon10x Dungeon Credits
2. Bigger Party Better Party!Be in a party of 3, including yourself. You can join someone else’s party as well.Dungeon Credit Icon15x Dungeon Credits
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
3. Bother the Frogger!Defeat Grandfrogger (the main boss of the Party Dungeon)
Grandfrogger Boss Animation
Dungeon Credit Icon20x Dungeon Credits
Dungeon Loot Dice2x Dungeon Loot Dice
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Promotheus World 1 NPC

Map: Valley Of The Beans

Promotheus is a well-known NPC as you must talk to him with all of your characters in order to choose a class (except Journeyman, but you can still complete his quests after you have acquired Journeyman).

Also his last quest gives 2 inventory slots which is always great!

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
The Witcher, but not Really (#4)Inventory Bag D IconInventory Bag D (+2 Slots)
Show All 4 Quests
1. I’m Ready, Promotion!Reach level 10Bottled Town Teleport Icon5x Bottled Town Teleport
2. Three Right AnswersSelect a classReset Talent Points1x Talent Point Reset Potion
Weapon Upgrade Stone 1 IconWeapon Upgrade Stone 1 (+1 Weapon Power)
3. Slovakian ScareSee Baba Yaga (enter the Birch Enclave map)Reset Talent Points1x Talent Point Reset Potion
Alien Headband IconAlien Headband
(+3 AGI, +11 WIS, +4 DEF, +10% Mana Regen)
4. The Witcher, but not ReallyKill Baba YagaInventory Bag D IconInventory Bag D (+2 Slots)
Small XP Balloon2x Small Experience Balloon
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Stiltzcho World 1 NPC

Map: Jungle Perimeter

Stiltzcho is an NPC hiding among the Slimes and gives you a Scouting Report that unlocks an achievement (only when playing on Steam), which gives you 20 gems. The rest of his rewards just give you some time candy and a token.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Time Crime Season Finale (#6)24 hours of AFK Gains24 Hour Time Candy
Stiltzcho Token Icon Stiltzcho Token
(Used for crafting the “Easy Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 6 Quests
1. Outta the Way SlimesKill 10 Slimes before the timer runs out.Speed Statue Icon3x Speed Statue
Average Speed Potion Icon25x Average Speed Potion
2. No Stone UnturnedGather 4 Strange Rocks from Boas (They only drop when this quest is active)Speed Statue Icon2x Speed Statue
Small XP BalloonSmall Experience Balloon
3. Investigator by Day, Prankster by NightCarrot Cube Icon2x Carrot Cube
Bleach Logs (Chopping)3x Bleach Logs
Scouting Report IconScouting Report (can throw this away, the quest that needed this no longer exists)
Carrot Horror PendantCarrot Horror Amulet (AGI +2, WIS +5, LUK +2)
4. Time Crime Episode 1AFK at Green Mushrooms for 4 hours
(You can use Time Candies for this to speed it up)
2 hours of AFK Gains2 Hour Time Candy
5. Time Crime Episode 2AFK at Frogs for 8 hours
(You can use Time Candies for this to speed it up)
4 hours of AFK Gains4 Hour Time Candy
6. Time Crime Season FinaleAFK at Slimes for 16 hours
(You can use Time Candies for this to speed it up)
24 hours of AFK Gains24 Hour Time Candy
Stiltzcho Token Icon Stiltzcho Token
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Funguy World 1 NPC

Map: Winding Willows

Funguy has some fun quests, with decent rewards. Mainly a good early game ring which increases your fighting AFK gains, as well as the Funguy Token which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Partycrastination (#3)Silver Stopwatch RingSilver Stopwatch
(STR/AGI/WIS/LUK +1, +2% Fighting AFK Gains)
Wicked Party Cleanup (#5)Funguy Token IconFunguy Token
(Used for crafting the “Easy Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 5 Quests
1. Mushroom MunchiesNomwich (Food)10x Nomwich
Hot Dog (Food)1x Hot Dog
Cheezy Pizza Food Icon5x Cheezy Pizza
Small Food Pouch IconSmall Food Pouch
Reset Talent PointsTalent Point Reset Potion
2. Videogame Highscores are COOL!Get 20 points in the Chopping minigameFur Shirt Chest Armor Fur Shirt Recipe
(+5 STR, +9 AGI, +13 DEF)
3. PartycrastinationTime Thingy Icon50x Time Thingy
(These drop only while the quest is active, from:
Slimes, Baby Boas, Carrotmans, Baba Yaga and Amarok)
Silver Stopwatch RingSilver Stopwatch (STR/AGI/WIS/LUK +1, +2% Fighting AFK Gains)
4. Party Crashin’Kill the 35 mobs that spawn on the map
(If you accidentally leave the map, forfeit the quest and start again)
Gem Icon 4x Gems
5. Wicked Party CleanupPotty Rolls (Chopping)100x Potty Rolls
(Drops from the Toilet Tree found in the Poopy Sewers map)
Warped Weapon Upgrade Stone Icon 4x Warped Weapon Upgrade Stone
(50% chance for +4 Random Stat, +3 Weapon Power)
Funguy Token IconFunguy Token
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Dog Bone

Dog Bone World 1 NPC

Map: Encroaching Forest Villas

Dog Bone is your path to Amarok and most importantly he starts handing out more keys every day after you complete his first quest.

Other than that, he also provides a Token like most other NPC’s, so you can finish up crafting those Blunderhills NPC Tokens.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Why he Die??? (#1)Unlocks ability to collect Forest Villa Keys from him every day.
(You get more keys per day when you complete this quest on more characters)
Bow Wow going Dow..n! (#2)Dog Bone Token IconDog Bone Token
(Used for crafting the “Med Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 2 Quests
1. Why he Die???Collect 3 Dog Bones dropped by PlanksForest Villa Key Icon3x Forest Villa Key

Unlocks ability to collect Forest Villa Keys from him every day.
2. Bow Wow going Dow..n!Amarok Slab Icon25x Amarok SlabForest Villa Key Icon5x Forest Villa Key
Dog Bone Token IconDog Bone Token
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Tiki Chief

Tiki Chief World 1 NPC

Map: Encroaching Forest Villas

Tiki Chief requires you to be level 60 to start his questline, which is surprisingly high, but at least he gives you a stamp for your collection and 50 Kachow statues (+% Crit DMG) which is a nice bonus. Also you’re going to want the Token from his final quest to complete Scripticus’ final quest.

Show 2 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Three Strikes, you’re Out! (#2)Questin Stamp Icon Questin Stamp (+% Quest XP)
This is a pretty useless stamp, but it’s nice to collect all the stamps.
Hotel? Tikivago. Sorry, couldn’t Help It! (#4)Tiki Chief Token IconTiki Chief Token
(Used for crafting the “Med Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 4 Quests
1. Brochure BuildingPlank Icon10x Plank
Trusty Nails (Smithing)25x Trusty Nails
Kachow Statue Icon50x Kachow Statue
Increases Max HP30x Golden Jam
2. Three Strikes, you’re Out!Drop the flier on Krunk, Funguy and Mr Pigibank
(Pick it back up after dropping)
Questin Stamp Icon Questin Stamp
(+% Quest XP)
3. Blame it on the GlublinsDefeat 5,000 Glublins
(You can use Time Candy to speed this up)
Medium XP BalloonMedium Experience Balloon
4. Hotel? Tikivago. Sorry, couldn’t Help It!Kill Amarok 5 times and one of them should be in under 30 secondsMystery Upgrade Stone I Icon2x Mystery Upgrade Stone 1 (100% chance for +3 or -3 Random Stat)
Tiki Chief Token IconTiki Chief Token
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Papua Piggea

Papua Piggea World 1 NPC

Map: Tucked Away

Papua Piggea provides you with some amazing stamps, especially the Crystallin Stamp which increases Crystal Monster spawn chance.

The quests do take a while to complete though, as one of them needs a few stamps you have to buy from shops and you can only buy 1 of each per day, so make sure to stock up when you can, so all your characters can eventually complete this quest.

Show 5 Important Rewards
Quest NameUseful Reward
Oinko Boinko (#1)Kapow Stamp Icon Kapow Stamp
(+% Critical DMG)
Crystal Crime Stopper (#2)Crystallin Stamp Icon Crystallin Stamp
(+% Crystal Monster spawn chance)
Stamp Collecting (#3)Increases food bonuses Potion Stamp
(+% Boost from Food)
This Little Piggy Felt Remorse (#4)Polearm Stamp Icon Polearm Stamp
(+% Total Damage)
Papua Piggea Token IconPapua Piggea Token
(Used for crafting the “Med Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 4 Quests
1. Oinko BoinkoKapow Stamp Icon 1x Kapow Stamp
(Drops from Gigafrogs only while this quest is active)
Kapow Stamp Icon Kapow Stamp
(+% Critical DMG)
Gem Icon 2x Gems
2. Crystal Crime StopperCrystallin Stamp Icon 1x Crystallin Stamp
(Drops from all Crystal Monsters only while this quest is active)
Crystallin Stamp Icon Crystallin Stamp
(+% Crystal Monster spawn chance)
Small XP Balloon4x Small Experience Balloon
4 hours of AFK Gains2x 4 Hour Time Candy
3. Stamp CollectingTarget Stamp 3x Target Stamp
(Buy from World 1 Town Shop)
Mana Stamp Icon 5x Mana Stamp
(Buy from World 1 Town Shop)
Increases base HP 2x Vitality Stamp
(Buy from Encroaching Forest Villas Shop)
Increases food bonuses Potion Stamp
(+% Boost from Food)
Small XP Balloon3x Small Experience Balloon
4. This Little Piggy Felt RemorseUpgrade Stamps until you reach a total stamp level of 500Polearm Stamp Icon Polearm Stamp
(+% Total Damage)
Speed Statue Icon8x Speed Statue
Papua Piggea Token IconPapua Piggea Token
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Sprout World 1 NPC

Map: The Base Of The Bark

This happy little flower pot is known for the infamous Frisbee collection quest which used to be a lot harder than it is now. Sadly none of the quest rewards are great, but the Frisbee Ring reward can help out in the early game with potential accuracy problems.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Frisbee Fanatic (#4)Frisbee RingFrisbee Ring
(+12 STR, +35 Accuracy)

Great ring for early game if you are missing Accuracy for some mobs.
Show All 4 Quests
1. Sticks and Stone Something Something Bones…Stick Icon500x Stick
Iron Ore (Mining)1,500x Iron Ore
Thicc Skin Statue Icon12x Thicc Skin Statue
Small XP Balloon3x Small Experience Balloon
2. Justice Wears No ClothesDefeat 30 Walking Sticks without any equipment other than a weaponAdams Leaf IconAdam’s Leaf
(+4 STR, +13 WIS, +2 DEF)
Small XP Balloon1x Small Experience Balloon
3. Shoe Shopping with SproutFlip Flops Icon 2x Flip Flops
Iron Boots 2x Iron Boots
Goo Galoshes Icon 2x Goo Galoshes
(Goo Galoshes crafting recipe has a 1 in 33.3K chance to drop from Slimes)
MCR Tshirt IconMCR TShirt
(+2 Weapon Power, +8 AGI, +1 DEF)
4. Frisbee FanaticRed Frisbee Icon1x Red Frisbee
(1 in 100k chance to drop from Wood Mushrooms at the top of the tree)
Frisbee RingFrisbee Ring
(+12 STR, +35 Accuracy)
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Dazey World 1 NPC

Map: Hollowed Trunk

Dazey is another lackluster NPC in terms of rewards with nothing noteworthy to talk about other than the Token which is needed to craft the Hard Blunderhills NPC Token.

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
Literally Physics (#2)Dazey Token IconDazey Token
(Used for crafting the “Hard Blunderhills NPC Token” which is needed for Scripticus’ final quest)
Show All 2 Quests
1. Dressing like a DorkForest Fibres (Chopping) 1,000x Forest Fibres
Flowies Icon 5x Flowies
(Flowies have 100% chance to drop from Baba Yaga)
Gem Icon 1x Gem
2. Literally PhysicsForest Fibres (Chopping) 1,000x Forest Fibres
Flowies Icon 5x Flowies
Woodular Circle (Monster drop) 1x Woodular Circle
(Rare drop from Wood Mushrooms and Walking Sticks)
Medium XP Balloon5x Medium Experience Balloon
Dazey Token IconDazey Token
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Telescope World 1 NPC

Map: Where the Branches End

The Telescope is the way to view and assign your collected Star Signs and constellations, which provide decent bonuses especially after you unlock The Rift and get Infinite Star Signs.

Check out our Star Sign guide to see the locations of all the Star Signs!

Show 1 Important Reward
Quest NameUseful Reward
I’m Seeing Stars! (#1)Unlocks the ability to collect Star Signs and assign them to your characters.
Show 1 Quest
1. I’m Seeing Stars!Go AFK for 1 hour on the map, then click on the star constellation at the bottom right branch.2 hours of AFK Gains2x 2 Hour Time Candy
4 hours of AFK Gains2x 4 Hour Time Candy
Gem Icon 10x Gems

Unlocks the ability to collect Star Signs and assign them to your characters.
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TP Pete

TP Pete World 1 NPC

Map: Rats Nest

TP Pete is another NPC with no noteworthy quest rewards. You can get a new pickaxe from his last quest but it’s so slow that it’s just not worth using.

BUT, if you type “More like Poopy Pete” while standing next to him, you get a free Star Talent:

More Skill Efficiency from Stamps (Star Talent)
Toilet Paper Postage
Stamps that give Skill Efficiency give higher bonusesLevel 100:
1.35x bonuses
Level 200:
1.47x bonuses
Level 1000:
1.64x bonuses

Sadly as you might notice, the scaling really drops off fast so it’s not worth investing a lot of points into (if at all), depending on how many extra points you have left after leveling the more important Star Talents first. Check our Start Talent guide for talent priorities.

Show All 3 Quests
1. Roll of AngerDefeat 40 Poops in 200 secondsSmall XP Balloon2x Small Experience Balloon
Gem Icon 2x Gems
2. The Rats are to Blame!Employment Statistics Icon50x Employment Statistics
(These drop from Rats when the quest is active)
Small XP Balloon2x Small Experience Balloon
Tool Upgrade Stone II Icon2x Tool Upgrade Stone 2
(80% chance to get+2 Skill Power, +2 Random Stat)
3. Fired for BS Reasons!Job Application Icon1x Job Application
(Drops from Dr Defecaus at The Office map)
Poopy Pickaxe Icon Poopy Pickaxe
(Mining Power: 18,
Speed: 2 (Very slow),
+2% Mining Efficiency,
+3 DEF)
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Meel World 1 NPC

Map: Entrance is at The Office map

Meel is a spooky skeleton hidden inside the sewers and has two quests that give you some gems and a mediocre Death Wish ring. These quests can only be completed once and apply to all characters when completed.

In order to access this hidden area you first need some Bolt Cutters, which is a rare drop from Green Mushrooms.

ItemSourceDrop Chance
Bolt Cutters Icon
Bolt Cutters
Green Mushroom Monster Animation
Green Mushroom
(W1 – Spore Meadows)
1 in 100,000

Then go to the end of the sewers, The Office, where Dr Defecaus resides. Click on the top right corner of the map where the sewer grate is and your character will walk there along an invisible platform.

The Crypt Entrance Location

Then simply click on the sewer grate to enter the hidden map and find Meel. This will remain open for all your characters.

Show All 2 Quests
1. Spooky Scary SkelepoopsBoop Idle Animation Kill 30 Boops
(15 Boops spawn on this map every day, so this quest will require you to come back tomorrow to kill the rest)
Gem Icon25x Gems
2. Waitin’ for the Cards to DropBonemeal Icon777x Bonemeal
(Only Boops drop these so it will take many days to complete.

But if you manage to spawn a Giant Monster on this map, it drops tons of Bonemeals. So you can try to enter this map just when a week resets, so you will have a higher chance to spawn a giant mob)
Death Wish RingDeath Wish Ring
(+4 Weapon Power, +6 DEF, +5% Boss Damage)

Armor Upgrade Stone C Icon6x Armor Upgrade Stone C
(60% chance for +1 Weapon Power, +3 Random Stat)

These upgrade stones are also used in crafting the Efaunt Helmet.
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That’s it for all the quests in World 1! If you made it this far, congratulations. Now it’s time to rinse and repeat the quests with all your other characters for even more rewards, then move on to the next World.